
Repair and support information for the Asus ZenFone 6. It utilizes an Intel Atom 2580 processor. Was released 2014.

40回答 すべてを表示

Why my zenfon 6 not charging?

Battery not charging

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


スコア 17
3 件のコメント

the battery drain very fast and the device become very hot even when am not using it.


overnight phone battery is discharged, was 75%, can not be turned on, the battery is not charging, the charging light is off. What happened?


What i did to was to charge it 100% and it did and than i found this other charger, plugged it in my phone that was on and than it just shutoff because of that charger i found. I tried taking it apart and getting the battery but i couldn't because know one couldn't post a YouTube video how to take out a battery off a zenfone 6. I mite go to best buy to the Geek Squad to see if they can fix it.If i were you i would take to best buy. They could probley fix phones also and if you have a pc that has a problem they can fix it.That's probley what i would do.





Anyone out there who have the same problem?

Do I need to replace the built-in battery?


スコア 1

I would need more information to solve the problem. Mine phone has a problem on its connector, to use the USB charger I can't plug it all the way, I need to plug and pull back a little and the LED should recognize the charger and turn orange. On the original USB cable to computer it works just fine, I have the same problem on the P2 connection if I plug it all the way it won't recognize the earphone.


スコア 0

I have the same problem. I plug it in to charge,m and the battery charging icon appears (phone is off) but does not take charge. Phone vibrates slightly, showing it is getting current, but the battery does not fill up. I tried several cords, all same result. Several adapters in the wall, including usb port on my laptop, same result. If I leave it plugged, it just vibrates (or buzzes) every minute, and indicator comes on, but does not take charge. Then phone looks like it wil turn on, but nothing. Phone was working fine, never dropped and never in water or wet. Just lost charge then wont take charge


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

hi, did you solve the prob? I've the same trouble.. plz, help if u know how!


Hi yeah i solved this problem i cleaned up my phones memory and its automatically repaired

If there is system update u must update



I have the same problem. I plug it in to charge it takes almost 5 hours to reach 100% and the battery drains out very fast . LED is not is not working properly does not blink or change colour. Phone vibrates slightly, showing it is getting current, but the battery does not fill up fast. . I tried different adapters also but no results.


スコア 0

Mine is also kinda same problem on Z6. Why are not ASUS engineers doing something?


スコア 0

Same problem with my phone. The phone recharge works when the its turned off.


スコア 0

Same!!? Yes , why aren't the engineers doing anything?


スコア 0

I've had the same problem just now.

Before I plugged it in to charge my Z6, I had 15% on my battery. While I was charging it, it decreased to 7%. But when I checked the Battery Stats and the icon, it said that my phone was charging. Even the orange Notification Light was on.

What I did was I turned my phone on and off. And when it finally turned on, the charging thing went back to normal.

But I wonder, is this a hardware thing or is it just because I use my phone while charging it?


スコア 0

My answer is to take it to best buy to the Geek Squad to help you.


スコア 0

By the way it's not charging because if it was charging for 24hous a day and you plugged in a different brand of the charger that would just shut it off.If you charge it for 8hous a day you would be fine.Best answer is to take it to best buy to the Geek Squad to help you.They can fix computers and probley phones to.


スコア 0

im have same problem phone clouse automatic end dont open

have vibracion bath don have orange lampa end dont cant open. Pleas help me woth is rong email.trollojoo@gmail.com


スコア 0

Replace changing ic. It will be work fine and back to normal as you used before.


スコア 0

hi , my name is wan.., and i also had same problem with my asus zenfone 6..the problem is , you can view it here

https://youtu.be/VEls1T1g3mU ...

and i had try this solution.., IT WORKED...TRY IT YOURSELF...

Here the link.:



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my phone is on but program not seen. only clock weather shows. can't install program what to do


スコア 0

my phone is on but program not shows. only lcd shows clock , weather ,light on, off, what to do


スコア 0

My Battery cant charge. The battery not going up.My battery on 1% and not going up


スコア 0

I have the same problem with zenfone. It vibrate when I plugged in the charger and drain out more than it charge. Hold the phone upright, usb female on phone face floor. Spray electronic cleaner to clean the usb female inside at least 2 times, blow dry and leave for 5 mins. Spray the usb cable male also and blow dry for 5 mins. It works for me after 1 day of trying switching usb cables and chargers. The usb female contact is has dirt on it. Good luck


スコア 0

Why my mobile is nor charging


スコア 0


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