
Released July 12, 2002. Identified by model number K45SSWH.

20回答 すべてを表示

Oil or grease leaking into mixing bowl?

My KitchenAid mixer has recently been leaking some type of oil or grease out of beater shaft. It sometimes drips into the mixing bowl! Do I need to replace the grease in my mixer or is it one of the seals? Thank you!!

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Your mixer should never be leaking grease, so the lubricant for the gears inside your mixer has probably separated. This can happen due to overuse, underuse, or age, so you should clean out and replace the lubricant. A good guide by eReplacementParts for doing that can be found at How to Fix a KitchenAid Stand Mixer That is Leaking Oil.


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The KitchenAid website answers this question…. It is COMPLETELY normal, esp if you do not use the mixer often, and it is FOOD GRADE oil so it will not harm you if some gets into whatever you're mixing. DO NOT open it and replace the grease, the grease only needs replacing or topping up if the unit makes a grinding noise so don't tamper with it unless it grinds.

Why people come to these places to ask questions about their hardware instead of emailing the company that made the item is BEYOND me but good luck


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2 件のコメント:

Trying to get ANY information from Kitchen Aid is hopeless.....Youtube is more helpful.


Seems like a design flawvto me. If I replace the grease, it won't be long until it leaks again. Ascan engineer who has designed many pieces of sealed equipment, It shouldn't be too hard to seal the grease from leaking. I'll take our machine apart and see if there is any way to retrofit a fix, but from experience, it usually takes adding seal glands and gaskets to the design. I see a lazy company here.




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