
2013年11月22日に発売されたMicrosoftの第三世代のXbox ゲームコンソールです。

20回答 すべてを表示

Why won't my One turn on?

I have an Xbox One that will not turn on when I press the power button. It will make the beep-bop noise when I hit the power button, but alas, no power gets to it. I have tried everything from power cycling to changing power bricks. I have had this happen before with another console and sent it in for repair. I want to quicken the process up. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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スコア 68
23 件のコメント

I have had this issue a couple of times. First time I disconnected the power and reconnected and it started working. The other time I put a disc in and it switched on. Not sure what is causing the problem, my guess is software issues.


I am having the same issue as well. It seem to have started sincethe weather has got cold. So i have to unplug it waite a while warm my room up and plug back in then it works.. But it may be because its getting clogged with dust.. Hope this helps abd if anyone knows the real reason let us all know please.. Thanks


So im having the same problem too on my Xbox one s. So I dont have this bind button. Thoughts?


Unplug. Then plug back in. Worked for me.


me wont work still






It might be a display issue. Check your HDMI connection. Try switching cables or ports on your TV. If the Xbox light is on in the front of the console, it won't start up unless it detects a working display.

Check out the Xbox One Won’t Turn On wiki for a more detailed list of causes and solutions for this problem.


スコア 13

4 件のコメント:

i flicked my power block cable and it turned on so you may have to check the cable routing


Well i just put in a disc and as the xbox one was turning on it said there was a software update so i let it update and walked out the room. Came back and bam the xbox one was off and now won't turn on and I've been trying to find a fix for an hour. Have an odd suspicion that the software update did it


That's what happened to me, Sam Leicester!! Had the update yesterday and went downstairs whilst it installed and I came back up only to find that my Xbox had turned off and won't turn back on! Baffled is an understatement.


I had this problem after a storm.. xbox wouldn't come on after i reset the power supply... I had to unplug everything connected to the xbox and then turn it on and do a power cycle



The problem is because your xbox is to drawing too much power from an external source such as an External Hard Drive and it is not giving it enough juice to turn it on. Unplug your external drive and try again.


スコア 25

19 件のコメント:

This actually solved it for me. I thought it wouldn't work since I thought it'd be absurd that this small external hard drive to hold extra space is what caused this problem. I gave it a try since I tried everything else and was about to give up and send in a perfectly working Xbox to Microsoft. This saved me time and money. Thanks so much, Steve.


Do u have to plug it back in


This very surprisingly actually worked, but now it wont display


So maby a charger cause i had mine in is that why? And it beebs but very slightly and songs like not enough power going through it


Amazing! This solved my issue! Pulled the plug on my entire setup as my TV wouldn't respond to any input. Afterwards the Xbox wouldn't start. Pressing the power button only gave a short, cut off start up sound. Unplugging my external hard drive made the sound go for a little longer. After unplugging my USB charging cable for controllers, which weren't connected to anything, and trying to start again, it worked. Thought I had bricked my console with a power surge from the outlet. Phew! Thank you for your post, wouldn't have thought to try this otherwise :)

I could connect both cables to the box after it had started and everything seems to work as usual. Very strange.




My brick is dying. Upon start up my XBox One shuts down after about 2 seconds of being on and the brick shuts down, too. I've fought with it all night trying all the tricks above. I got fed up, walked away (with a dead brick still plugged in) and came back about 20 minutes later.

I unplugged the plug from the brick (not the wall), turned the XBox One from flat to vertical, waited 10 seconds, banged the brick against my knee for good measure, put the plug in the brick, and laid the brick upside down instead of the normal position. I waited a second, said a prayer, then hit the on button on the system. It fired right up and I'm about to play CoD WWII.

I know it sounds crazy but this is exactly what I did and it worked. Don't know if it was the brick banging, turning the system vertical, or flipping the brick upside down. All I know is it's working now.


スコア 17

17 件のコメント:

This worked for me, followed exactly.... Thank you!!!!?


This also worked for me Lol right when i was aboutvto give up ur steps saved me and now playing My blacks ops ||| ,Thanks


I didn’t pray and this still worked for me. It’s not gods work, but I’m still amazed that it worked... I don’t get it


oh my gosh you are a genius!!!!!!!


YOU ARE THE SMARTEST PERSON ALIVE. I honestly thought this would not work. It took me a couple of tries, but after banging it on my tv stand my xbox actually turned on & the light is no longer orange. I had to comment to thank you because you just saved a life




Press and hold the BIND button (located on the left side of the console) and the EJECT button (located on the front of the console), and then press the Xbox button on the console. Continue holding the BIND and EJECT buttons for 10-15 seconds. Listen for two “power-up” tones a couple of seconds apart.


スコア 6

10 件のコメント:

The process given by olinda83 works!!


Olinda83 you rock!!!

Definitely works


HOLDING Bind and Eject buttons, and pressing power button worked for me! Unplugging things or holding power button for 10 secs did not.

Thank Olinda83 for your solution!


I Can Do That With Xbox Still Off?


Works! Brought my xbox back to life.




I had this problem a couple of weeks ago and my xbox has sat dead until last night. Nothing would work i tried everything and i have experience in being pc tablet phone laptop repairs for nearly 20 years. However. I found that my xbox didnt turn on as a result of a failed update, apparently my xbox power cycled through it which must of been when i was cleaning found this by debugging error log. If your xbox wont turn on and the power brick lights up orange to white and the xbox immediately shuts down on startup heres what to do. Unplug every lead out of the back of the console. Unplug the power brick lead from the wall then the power brick. Leave it for 2 hours or so. Plug it all back in. Try the controller, it should power up and try to connect to the xbox to turn it on but wont. While the controller is on double press eject. The console should spring back into life and connect to the controller. Job done. Hope this helps a vast amount of you that think you have a bricked xbox.


スコア 5


What do you mean by ".... double press eject" On the controller, or console?



Unplug all the cords except for the power cord (HDMIs, Kinect, USBs, everything but the power cord) then power on. Don't know why it works but it does. You're Welcome


スコア 5

7 件のコメント:

Thank you soooooooo much! This worked instantly. Immediately after my console turned on, I plugged my hdmi back in and it looks like there's an update. If I'm correct, there could have been a problem downloading it that locked my console. I heard the power went out at one point just recently, so maybe that interrupted the update


unplug everything!!!! I have a plug in controller. unplugged everything but the power cord and the controller and nothing happened.....unplugged the controller too and presto. xbox turned on like nothing was ever wrong......strange but worked


Thanks this worked for me, I took my hdmi out flipped it vertically and it powered right on. SAVED MY FAMILIES LIVES!!!


I tried all the things above and this is the only 1 that worked thank you so much


This worked for me!!! Thanks




There is an electronic flex board that connects the front panel (the one with the lights) and the front panel board. Make sure the connection is tight and secure. If the connection is good make sure you didn't snap the flex board. Hope that helps.


スコア 3


None of these tips worked for me. I bought a used xbox off of a buddy then decided to just try the new brick I just bought. Turns out, it was the brick the whole time! So if none of these steps work for you either, maybe buy a used brick from gamestop and try that.



It is a glitch in the redundancy safety feature where the console overheats and needs to cool down. Generally this will occur after the console has been on for prolonged periods of time and has been put into sleep mode (normal off mode).

What you need to do is press and hold the power touchplate/button to turn it on for at least 5 seconds. This will not actually turn it on, as it already is on and completely unresponsive (in a coma). What this will do is do a hard power down instead.

Give it about 30 seconds, and press to turn back on. It should start up again with zero problems.


スコア 3

4 件のコメント:

Saved my life!


This didn't work for me the first time. I had to try it a few times and nothing seemed to help until I started also pushing the cd eject and sync buttons a few times to see if the Xbox was truly "off" after holding the power button for 5-10 seconds. I could tell the xbox was still on and comatose since it was still making chimes pushing after pushing these buttons.


This happened to me a second time after putting my Xbox back onto a different power outlet. It looks like this troubleshooting requires all inputs from the back of the console (except for power) to be unplugged as well. Did not work for me at all until I unplugged everything.


This didn’t work for me, though I couldn’t play longer than half an hour before it randomly shut down. It felt hot to touch. I tried one last thing which was pointing a fan at the Xbox while I played and I managed to play for 3 hours before I turned it off. I’ve come to the conclusion there must be a build up of dust inside the unit so I’m taking mine to EB Games and paying them $50 to take it apart and remove the dust. I don’t want to damage my Xbox trying myself and they give a 3 month warranty on their work.



Turn off your internet turn the Xbox on after the Internet is off then once you get to the green screen turn on your controller then press the guide button then hold the lighted up X in the middle till it vibrates then quickly take out your batteries then it should work


スコア 3

Try giving your Xbox a little tilt , mine has been having this issue but it ends up finally turnin on when I get mad an finally pull it from the shelf, I have relised that when I put my xbox on about a 45 it turns on . And no your disk will not spin in the Xbox , I have the original Xbox one for the record


スコア 1


I love you so much



I has the same issue i called microsoft and they said check the wires. I did everythung nothing worked. I finally looked inside the wire that connects at the back of the xbox one( power suply cord) two holes of the input there is two pins which r inserted into the xbox one when the plug goes in..Problem was one of the pins were bent. And therefore no power so no power or power light icon. Itook a knife and made the pin straight and it worked


スコア 1

My xbox was not turning on. Unplugged the power supply, waited for the light to go off, plugged it back in and nothing. I unplugged everything from the console (power supply, HDMI cable, ethernet cable, Kinect, and external hard drive). Only plugged in the power supply and it fired right up. Plugged everything else back in and when I got a picture on the TV it said the console needed to update. I started the update it and the xbox turned off after the initial download. It did not turn back on. I unplugged only the external hard drive, pressed the power button on the console and it turned back on. I left the hard drive unplugged and finished the update. The console restarted two more times per the update and it was successful. Once the update was complete I plugged the hard drive back up and turned the console off. I turned it back on with the controller and it turned back on with no issues. Hope this helps.


スコア 1


I just turned my WiFi off and then powered in first time was so happy!



I had a very similar issue.

I put in a blue-ray disk and went to pause it, but hit stop by accident. My Xbox froze and so I turned it off and back on. This led to whats known as the black screen of death.

Fixes include a hard restart where you hold the power button until it turns off and then you turn it back on. I unplugged it until the power light on my power brick went out. I even power cycled the xbox by both the power button and the outlet. Nothing worked.

A lot of times when an electronic system freezes it is a sign of overheating, which if you read other forums that tends to be the case. Even earlier answers involve reducing the stress on the system by unplugging drives.

So to fix the issue indefinitely

1. Open the xbox case via diagrams and instructions

2. Once open remove the cooler from the CPU.

-You will notice that the heat sink paste will look like dried play-doh.

3. Clean old heat sink paste off with rubbing alcohol (90% preferred), both the cooler and CPU.

4. Apply new thermal paste to the CPU.

-Either a drop the size of a pea or use the spreader that comes with the paste to cover the entire cpu.

5. While the Xbox is apart blowout dust from the entire case with compressed air meant for computers.

6. Put it back together and turn on.

This will resolve most Black screens of death.


スコア 1

Try unplugging your Xbox for two ours everything connected then on the Xbox if still no results then try to hold all the wires firm to the connection and then keep pressing the switch on button then it might if not then try contacting Xbox support or try changing console or power brick


スコア 0

Just had the exact same problem. Xbox wouldn't turn on or even show it had power going to it. What worked instantly for me was inserting a disc! It started right away just as normal :)

Hope this helped


スコア 0

I also had this problem. I had just been moving my original Xbox one from a trip and plugged it back in at home. The power supply stayed orange and when I clicked the power button on the Xbox, it would make a noise but then my Xbox wouldn't start up. The disc eject button would also make a noise if pressed but would not eject a disc. I tried all the unplugging of the power supply stuff and it didn't help.

I simply repositioned my Xbox to stand vertical and then it worked when I tried to turn it on and worked when I played it down horizontal again. Must have been a loose connection somehow?


スコア 0


I think I’ve got that problem. Power brick is normal with the orange light, eject and power buttons are making noise, but the consol (as well as the light behind the power button) doesn’t turn on. Plus, when I touch the power button while my external hard drive is in, it shuts down before going back to normal. Putting my Xbox vertical doesn’t do any difference........



My Xbox one went down last week with no power. The orange light was on the power brick but nothing was happening when pushing the console button. Done the reset procedure and still no cure. Having read olinda83's post from May 21, I went to try their suggestion and as soon as I pushed the button to left side of the console i heard like fan noise slow down and the console powered up!! I have no idea exactly what went on I can only state that I pushed the black button on the side with everything plugged in. I've just switched the console on and off 5 times and it seems to be working as normal. This may help or it may not, I'm only explaining what happened to me....


スコア 0

Just here recently I was playing my Xbox one and the power flickered and as expected the Xbox turned off but I was tired anyway so I went to bed. I got up the next morning and tapped the button but nothing happened. What happened was the outlet on the power stick thing (it has like 5 outlets) so I moved it to a different outlet and it worked fine.


スコア 0

Same issue. Wasn’t the power cord because I tested with a known working one and my xbox still would not turn on.

Disassembled my Xbox one.

Found an IC , capacitor and a plug for the touch sensor had a lot of corrosion on the contacts. Cleaned these three points of corrosion and gave the entire PCB a good rub down (top and bottom side) with isopropyl alcohol.

Put everything back together and Voilà.


スコア 0

I had this problem and found I fix. I unplugged the cable coming off my power brick, waited 10 seconds then put it back in, you must turn it on via the controller for your Xbox to power on. Then it worked!

Hope this helped someone!

YT - Alex FC


スコア 0

Have the same problem. I got the console to turn on a couple times since it stopped powering. But then it just stopped. I did not notice a drop in console performance when I was able to play those last few times, when I played it was long too. I thought my brick was dying, and I sent it to be repaired. The person who repaired it said it was working on other consoles. I don’t know what he did, probably replaced the capacitators, but he said the problem wasn’t the brick. I don’t speak much Spanish and live in rural Colombia, so it is hard to say.

Anyways, it is hard to say. Won’t turn on. Maybe if I open the console and clean it up a little and then try. I dunno what to do. People are still on XB360 out here, so I have to look hard to find anyone confident in doing something with this thing. So, facts are, the brick may work, but the console won’t even light up or make a sound. I have done all the power cycling and all the other things people said on this page short of opening the console up and cleaning it. Let me know something guys.


スコア 0

3 件のコメント:

Having trouble with Xbox One the power lead light will stay on if it's not connected to the console that as soon as I plug it into the console the power lead light goes out if I press the power button it will make a bleep sound but that's it. I can't get it to turn on I've come through everyone's comments tried everything with no luck can anyone help please.


Xkayz1988x yes this same thing is happening to mine hopefully there is a solution.


I had this same issue.. what I done was unplug everything from the back of the x box and then take the top of the xbox casing off ( i suggest you watch a video to do it) .. once it was off I left the wire on that connects the front of the xbox to the touch buttons on the front and I plugged my power lead back in and the HDMI cable back in (while the top of the casing was still off) and then blowed my fan a couple of times to move it arround and then hit the on button on the front of the x box (with the casing still off) and then blowed the fan a bit to get it moving and then it come on…..



I need help my Xbox won’t turn on. The power brick light is orange and everything I do my Xbox won’t turn on I tap the power button and nothing happens no sound, nothing. I need help. it was working fine yesterday.


スコア 0

I had a similar problem. Found with my issue a cluster of 3 capacitors within the power brick had died, they had bulges at the top and they should be flat. I found some replacements at a local store and soldered them in place and it fixed my issue. Do a search on YouTube for replacing Power Brick capacitors for Xbox One, there’s a couple walk throughs.


スコア 0

I'm having the same problem. Xbox one original. Power is on but wont start up. TV just shows no signal. The xbox logo on the console lights up. The fan is running. The light on the power brick on white. Tried switching ports on the TV. Also used the cable successfully with the xbox360. Tried multiple power bricks. Tried unplugging everything for a few hours. Tried holding in the eject and bind button. Tried different outlets. It's like it's not getting enough power? I've opened it up to clean it since Microsoft no longer services the original xb1 and didnt find much to clean really. Any ideas what could be wrong?


スコア 0


I had this same issue.. what I done was unplug everything from the back of the x box and then take the top of the xbox casing off ( i suggest you watch a video to do it) .. once it was off I left the wire on that connects the front of the xbox to the touch buttons on the front and I plugged my power lead back in and the HDMI cable back in (while the top of the casing was still off) and then blowed my fan a couple of times to move it arround and then hit the on button on the front of the x box (with the casing still off) and then blowed the fan a bit to get it moving and then it come on…..



My Xbox will make a slight sound but it won’t turn on if I press the disk insert button it makes a sound but my xbox doesn’t turn on nor does the disk come out weird but as of now my xbox doesn’t turn on and suggestions lmk


スコア 0

My Xbox suddenly turned off. After letting it cool for 15 mins I turned it back on but it turned off again after about 2 mins since then when the power supply is connected the Xbox cooling fan starts running, sounding like a jet engine but the Xbox stays off. A slight inky burning smell is also emitted from the fan area. Is this an issue with the thermal paste or something else? Also please note that there is no light on the Xbox and I’m sure the power brick is fine as according to the Xbox guide it gives all the required lights. I have a standard Xbox 1 console. the Xbox on attempting to turn it on gives no response but very very faint sounds can be heard occasionally (the one Xbox 1 gives when it is turned on).


スコア 0

I had this same issue.. what I done was unplug everything from the back of the x box and then take the top of the xbox casing off ( i suggest you watch a video to do it) .. once it was off I left the wire on that connects the front of the xbox to the touch buttons on the front and I plugged my power lead back in and the HDMI cable back in (while the top of the casing was still off) and then blowed my fan a couple of times to move it arround and then hit the on button on the front of the x box (with the casing still off) and then blowed the fan a bit to get it moving and then it come on…..

hope this helps someone


スコア 0

If you had this problem and it solved itself by unplugging the power supply there's a big chance at some point it won't power on for good… you need to replace the power supply not the xbox like Microsoft suggest. If you know electronics a bit just open the power supply you will see 4 capacitors with a bubbled top, this is the problem.

Block Image


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

My Xbox suddenly turned off. After letting it cool for 15 mins I turned it back on but it turned off again after about 2 mins since then when the power supply is connected the Xbox cooling fan starts running, sounding like a jet engine but the Xbox stays off. A slight inky burning smell is also emitted from the fan area. Is this an issue with the thermal paste or something else? Also please note that there is no light on the Xbox and I’m sure the power brick is fine as according to the Xbox guide it gives all the required lights. I have a standard Xbox 1 console. the Xbox on attempting to turn it on gives no response but very very faint sounds can be heard occasionally (the one Xbox 1 gives when it is turned on).

A few hours before this happened I had just connected a hard drive( to watch a movie). Also please note that there is still a game CD (COD Advanced Warfare (Xbox one)) stuck in the Xbox. This occurred while playing The CD. The hard drive was disconnected.

I had my Power supply Repaired locally once before (busted capacitor) could the Power brick be the problem again or is it the Xbox?

I have Orignal Xbox one console.

what about this?


@panzor23 mine was showing orange light (standby) according to microsoft I had to replace the xbox ... That's why I opened the brick to go see what's up in there... If the capacitor are busted it will do a faint start sound and it may randomly start, even sometime by itself. I bought one at 30$ on Amazon it work perfectly.




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