
A touchscreen smartphone made by LG released in September 2013 with the model number VS980.

20回答 すべてを表示

No sound from speaker


will you help me with a problem on my G2.

Actually i plug my phone on an amplifier and my phone just turn off.

when its back On, i got this problem of no output for sound.

I seen that the tiny icon of earphone (which appear on the top of the screen when plugin an earphone ) is always appearing despite no earphone is plugin, So the phone keeps thinking that there is an earphone actually plugin and it never output the sound through the Speaker.

Everything is OK on the phone by the way, Only this sound output which having problem. And i've already do the Factory Reset.

Do you know where the problem is !?

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スコア 51
5 件のコメント

When i am using my handsfree on my lg g2 then its mic not working properly even sometimes its not working even when my handsfree is new and i buy 2 of em but both of em having same issue so i think its not handsfree problem its phones issue.. Can anybody help me outta this??


And even my soundAbout said that "wired headset(with mic) for media" and when touch it to configure it hangs the phone



Have you try plugin headphones and unplugging them ?

That or sound like you should replace the audio jack, It should not be too difficult.


I forget where I read this but I had tried everything else at the time and this worked.

First off get some graphite.If you can t get any at the moment , do this. Take a pencil & pencil sharpner. Now when you sharpen a pencil the powdery lead that come out the pencil sharper is the stuff you want .It will & should be a very fine powder( no chunks at all).So sharpen just the tip ( not the wood ) know wood shaving at all .I did this on a thin credit card that I could bend .Bend the card before sharping .When you have a little pile gentle put it down where the headphone jack is. Then take your headphone jack/plug. Pull it in & out of the headphone port about 4-6 times .Any moisture & such that night have gotten down inside should be gone .The graphite sucks it up. Plus even if there was nothing in it the graphite will not hurt the headphone jack .


I have a Phoenix 2 and a Phoenix 3. Both phones have a speaker problem: I cannot answer calls or place calls bc nobody can hear me. Mfg "repaired" Phoenix 2 (less than 1 yr usage) but I don't know if they actually "fixed" the problem, I

havent tried it yet waiting for new SIM card from AT&T. I bought the Phoenix 3 (less than 2 mos usage) while the Phoenix 2 was being repaired. Does anybody know what the problem is or how to fix It?





Get soundabout app on play store. Open app and turn media Audi and call setting to speaker. Fixed my LG g2.


スコア 9

11 件のコメント:

But mic is not working. When call mode is earpiece mode?any solution? ??


First, thank you very much for this program. Is there another way to restore the original situation??. I experimented more than roms, but the same situation. on the whole thank you very much .


Thanks for everthing ,The prono working fine now on my G2.


just tried the soundAbout app and fixed my speaker in a minute ! cool , thanks


What is Audi?




Very simple easy fix...grab a blow dryer and turn it on low then aim it at the headphone jack about 6 inches away from the phone and the icon should go away within 10-15 seconds. Make a test call and you should have your sound back.


スコア 4

4 件のコメント:

Just tried this and it worked great, all set now


I tried, nothing happend...


It works,thank you!


worked like a charm ...thank you

I think there is a lil cable which is on the right most side of the frame(right side if ur facing battery). If i press that end a little harder to shut the cover it the sound goes on and off. This is what happened in my case ..not sure if it will work for others.



i had the same issue, i replaced the charge port piece and works like a charm now


スコア 2


Soundabout is great. INstalled it and my ear piece stated working . great !!



To make the sound come back to speaker you just have to take the battery out and put ot back in it worked on me.


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

worked like a charm


How do you do that?



It could be you somehow damaged the headphone port when you plugged it into external amplifier. Contact your local LG service to fix this problem (if Factory Reset doesn't help, it is a good idea to contact local service representative).


スコア 1

Maybe you can try the settings mentioned in this article "How to Fix LG G2 Problems"



スコア 1

Blow in the headphone jack really hard. Dust or particulate matter could be stuck which confuses the device into thinking there are headphones connected.


スコア 1


Yes, I tried your suggestion and it work! I am placing stylus stub on the earpiece so no little dirt or crumbs get in there.



Go to settings, sound, sound profile and take it off of do not disturb


スコア 1


I wish i had sound



Find downloaded the app and attempted what it saiI downloaded the app and attempted what it said. Then I looked on another forum and someone suggested that I change the date and time from being automatic to setting a date tha Then I looked on another forum and someone suggested that I change the date and time from being automatic to setting a date the year befor Then I looked on another forum and someone suggested that I change the date and time from being automatic to setting a date the year before. Then reboo Then I looked on another forum and someone suggested that I change the date and time from being automatic to setting a date the year before. Then reboot. Then after reboot check to see if the sound is workin Then after reboot check to see if the sound is working. If it is working then you can return to automati If it is working then you can return to automatic. I found that I had to use both the app and this metho If it is working then you can return to automatic. I found that I had to use both the app and this method. I have no idea why it work If it is working then you can return to automatic. I found that I had to use both the app and this method. I have no idea why it works.


スコア 1

Press the power button and when it gives you the option to turn the phone off or restart, press the restart option let it restart and that should fix it if that doesnt fix it you need to pull tha battery out for 30 seconds and place the battery back in power up the phone and that should fix it also same method works also for camera fault and several other faults for the phone this is not just for lg phones its standard procedure for all mobile phones before a factory reset


スコア 0

Download sound about and change the settings that say app decides to speaker you are really welcome


スコア 0

If the earphones icon pops up and you dont have any plugged in then you need to clean that plug in area with cotton tip because eighther dirt or water has gotten inside there.after your sone give it 2-3 days to go away. Then put your phone on airplane mode and power your phone off and take out the battery for about 1 hour and i m 100% sure this will work for you guys to


スコア 0


Thank you so much your awesome



When i make a call and try to put my speaker. On there is no sound and the phone vibrates but no sound please help


スコア 0


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