

20回答 すべてを表示

Can a Scratch on LCD be repaired

Hi theres probably not going to be a solution but is it possible to remove a scratch on the LCD.

I have scratched the LCD on this screen repair i was doing.

I do take extreme care when replacing screens but the screen shattered on this one & the tool i was using to get the shattered bits of glass off slipped

Its not a deep gouge you can't feel it if you run your finger over it but it is a white line which won't go when i use alcohol cleaner.

Is there any tip for cleaning this up apart from replacing the whole LCD (i have already ordered a replacement & its on its way)

Any help here would be greatly appreciated

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I've actually tried nearly every "LCD Scratch Removal" technique under the sun with spare LCDs we've had lying around the shop. Simply put:

Nothing works.

The only real way to come back from a scratched LCD is to replace the LCD. I'd suggest replacing the scratched one with a new one... but keep it around. You may be surprised how many people with broken LCDs are willing to live with a scratched LCD at a discounted price.


スコア 3


I had a feeling nothing could be done but hey i had to ask.




This is probably going to sound insane, but has anyone ever tried something like clear nail polish? To fill in the scratch?


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I tried already LOCA (Liquid Optical Clear Adhesive), because I thought that filling the scratch gap might hide or make the scratch less noticeable. It did not work at all. The scratch looks the same.



My theory is that if you place a thin glass (an actual aftermarket glass, or a tempered glass) and use a liquid adhesive to stick the thin glass (though the glass should already come with adhesive) the scratches wouldnt be visible anymore. It should work by letting the glue fill the gap and letting the glass keep the gap filled flat with the glue so it keeps the scratches "invisible".

Of course I realize that if your intention is to keep the screen bare, then this answer will not help in anyway. It's just one option to consider. Pls let me know what happens if you decide to try


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So bad to hear that but that to remove you have to use some drops of water with tissue paper any other cleaner makes bad on it.


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Not likely - Some customers will happily take a discount on the screen repair if you are honest about your mistake - And sometimes it is hardly visible with the glas back on.

But not able to remove it, like others have said


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I used feviquick as a paint coat on scratches by use of toothpick sharper side for scratches mede by steel wires (deep enough) and after that screen was same as new while viewing ( satisfaction 95 to 99 %)


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