
より早い処理スピードを可能にしたiPhone 3Gのアップグレード版です。このデバイスの修理は3Gと似ており、標準のドライバーと開口ツールが必要です。モデル番号 A1303 / 16 もしくは 32 GBの容量 / ブラックもしくはプラスチックの背面ケース

20回答 すべてを表示

iPhone 3GS won't boot at all

My iPhone 3GS won't boot at all. I bought it off of ebay, and it was listed as water damaged. Only the water indicator in the dock connector was active, but the other one at that top of the phone was not active.

I took the phone apart, soaked it in alcohol, gently cleaned it with a toothbrush, and finished it off with CRC electrical contact cleaner. I even removed the logic board shielding during this procedure.

If there's a simple cable I can replace to get it working, I'd be happy to do so. The one cable coming out of the display that doesn't "click" in seems to be burned, or something like that. I've attached photos for reference.

I cleaned up the copper side of the cable, but the back side that appears to have a black dot - I can't clean that side. What cable is this, and is it causing my problems?

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1 件の回答


I would try a dock connector seems like the battery's flat and the docks broke


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Is there any way to repair the dock connector, rather than getting a new one? I already cleaned a good bit of gunk out of it, and it looks really clean at this point.


If the parts not going buy a replacement part it's so cheap




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