
Samsung Galaxy Note IIは、大型ディスプレイと一体型自己記憶スタイラス用に最適化されたソフトウェアを組み合わせたスマートフォンでとして知られています。

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LCD not working after glass replacement?

I replace glass for the Galaxy S3 all the time, and I've been doing fine. I also have succeeded in replacing the glass on the Note 2 as well. However, I find some of Galaxy Note 2 LEDs don't work after a glass replacement—indicating I must have caused some damages to the LED.

I don't see any cracks, and I only apply 70 °C of heat to loosen the adhesive. And, I use the trusted iFixit spudger to remove it with the same method that I apply to the Galaxy S3—but I find that 3 out 10 times, I will have a problem with the display.

I know it is a risk as you are not supposed to remove the glass, but in order to provide price options, I do it anyway. But I can't keep doing this. Can anyone share what not to do?

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スコア 9
17 件のコメント

I too have suffered the same problem Andrew, I have looked all over the net and it seems many are also in the same boat but no one has a reason why? Have you replaced the LED screen on a failed phone ? I have one at the minute and I would like to know if this was successful before I buy ?

More Info - I have replaced 6 glass only Note 2 screens - 2 off these then screen failed , I am careful with my heats and I believe that all 6 were done in the same way ?



I have the same problem. Someone with a lot of experience fixing s3 change my phone (note2) glass and stop working. It's important for me someone respond Gareth question. Can the led be replace in a fail phone?


I have done many s2 s3 note phone screens and have yet to date [knock on wood] have never damaged a screen or a flex cable. This is a doable repair if you are careful. I make alot of money doing these every week.


just accidentally dropped it ...nothing happened to the screen, the phone is working properly but there is no display screen coming out ...what the problem

. any solutions


has anyone broke their return bottin on galaxy while changing the lcd screen like the little wire connected to the senser thing WHAT SHOULD I DO






You cannot get LED only. You will have to replace the complete front screen including the glass, digitizer, and LED.

I found out why the LED doesn't work after trying glass replacement. It is the pressure caused when lifting the glass that causes LED not to work.

I don't use a spudger anymore to lift the glass. It's best to use molybdenum wire.


スコア 6

7 件のコメント:

With the molybdenum wire, do u hold it with 2 hands then slide it left right left righ while pulling down...or u just pull it straight down from 2 sides? Hope u understand what i mean, im trying to figure out the safest way to do it


@Quinny, usually with these type of repairs the screen is held down on the machine that heats the adhesive up. You can then use both hands and the cutting wire to free the digitizer


Never use spudger to lift glass

Use playing cards or picks and isesame


lcd. lcd. lcd. lcd. lcd.


If you buy the assembly with the exact model number and just transfer the hardware of the phone from one to another you shouldn't have problems because it would be the same phone just difrent screen and body




Hi All,

Found this post the other night searching for the answer to this problem I had with my phone, after replacing the whole screen assembly. Sent the first one back to where I bought it and received a replacement with a similar problem.

Symptoms when the phone wasn't totally assembled (just the motherboard attached the the screen chassis frame and all the connectors and a battery inserted) are the phone would boot fine, then when any pressure was applied to the top half of the screen, the screen would go black and not return, but it would be responsive to touch input and the stylus.

I imagine due to having to apply pressure when fitting the back case, after fitting the case and putting in all the screws, the screen would not work at all. I tried the screen off the motherboard (but still in the steel mid frame) and it still had he same issue.

After much swearing and frustration, and emails exchanged between myself and the supplier of the screen - I managed to fix the problem.

The 3.5mm Jack is held in two small phillips head screws, one inside the case, and one that goes through the back case and through.

I removed the first of these two screws (the one that is only accessible when the case if apart), and reassembled the phone without any screw in this hole.

This has fixed my black screen problem. not sure if this will work for anybody else or if this is even the same problem, but I thought I would tell of my findings.

I had this exact same issue when I first got the phone a year ago, though not as bad. The screen would just go black while in use and then it would take a few lock/unlocks and maybe a battery pull to bring it back to life, but it eventually went away.

One thing I did notice was that the screws holding in the 3.5mm jack were -very- loose. Not sure if this is why the issue went away, but you never know

If this fix also works for anybody who tries it. Please us know of your findings!


スコア 3

Same exact thing happened to me! I thought the glue was under the glass too but that's just a plastic piece attached to the glass and it too needs to come off. So you run your guitar pick UNDER that plastic piece attached to the glass. Then u just clean the glass & glue off of the digitizer. Being very careful not to put a lot of pressure on it.

I finished the job but now I am having issues with digitizer. I may have to take it to another shop and let them fix it right. Then at least I have some recourse. This is a harder fix than it appears!


スコア 1

I've personally replaced about 30 screens. I've had one break on am LCD that was not attached to the mid-frame properly (the sticker covering the adhesive was not even removed!) Therefore when I applied the slightest amount of pressure the whole LCD shattered! I almost think the phone is a knock-off. The second one I've had issue with is the Note 2 currently in my possession. The backlight (LCD) won't show a picture, but the touchscreen is working as well as the home button and menu/back buttons. I think I'll try the fix stated above regarding loosening the screws surrounding the headphone jack. If that doesn't work, I'll try the front facing camera/led/sensor as I noticed that the screw took an unusual amount of torque to reattach. And if worse comes to worse I'll remove the glass, clean the lcd, inspect the cables, the top portion of the lcd where the digitizer, lcd and backlight attach. I really hate making customers wait, but at the same time I have them all sign a waiver that states, "replacing/repairing the glass on today's devices takes a high amount of skill. There is some danger involved which includes rendering your screen useless..." Two out of 30+ isn't bad considering the different breaks that I receive. I've refined my process, purchased a screen removal machine, and insisted that repairs take place on my time. Being rushed causes so many issues, including over application of the glue or missing steps (like forgetting to replace the home button).


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

The phone that had a working touchscreen but didn't show a picture. Were you able to fix it. If so, how did you do it?


No, I was not able to get the picture to show.

I have done a lot of research into this very subject. Best answers I have found are as follows:

* The LOCA being used to finalize the repair is old (don't necessarily think that is the case as I have done a couple more repairs using the same bottle, but still a thought; plausible)

* The LCD substrate was damaged during glass removal. (This is not the case in this instance as the backing has been thoroughly inspected for cracks, nicks, etc. There is zero damage)

* The cables the connect the LCD assembly were damaged +(This is honestly the best possible explanation I have being that I did snag the cables that join together the LCD material and the backlight plate. The amount of bending, in my opinion, is minimal. I would say it is not enough to cause the screen to go blank, but the digitizer still work. However, components are very sensitive especially on such a small scale. So, yeah, the smallest tear, wrinkle, rip, etc in a cable could damage the screen)



I replaced my glass screen today.after putting back together the touch does not work. Color is.good, sound and calls work, just not picking up and touch. Any ideas of the problem??


スコア 1

The problem I have found with S5, is that after extraction and re-seat of the lcd, the IC on the LCD digitizer will short. The only way to fix this is to reflow the IC. Not sure if its a plan to fail part of the S5, or just a defect. Lots of customers have reported the "snow" effect occurring on their S5 LCD without ever having a screen replaced, so my thoughts are that they have a weakness in manufacturing that allows the solder joints of the smd IC component to be easily disturbed.

Reflow of this part is an extremely difficult process as it requires temps that can damage LCD if the heat is allowed to overflow onto the nearby LCD ribbon area (!Burn Spots!). Recommend that these units are professionally repaired; even with professional glass only replacement this damage is likely to occur, so dont be shocked if it happens to yours. Almost all units that come in with sturdy cases, such as otterbox tend to not have this issue, so its my opinion that the underlying damage to IC is pre-existing and most likely drop/shock related. Extraction only exacerbates the problem and forces it to become visible.


スコア 1


Would you happen to have any photos illustrating what the damage looks like if the IC shorts and heat overflows to the LCD ribbon area and causes the burn spots you mention?



That's most likely internal crack of LED.


スコア 0


lcd. lcd. lcd. lcd. lcd. lcd.



After a seemingly successful glass repair on my S3 I now have pink lines running across the screen at times. When I pull down the app drawer all the font is pink. It responds to touch but then when I try to text a message the response is extremely latent. I am now limited in the apps I can use with these issues What happened? I used a blow dryer and ifixit spudger to remove broken glass. Frustration


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

Too much heat


hi I just replace my Samsung digitizer but the touch is not working and the phone is coming on fine



always check the connection of the cable after having to replace a screen for yourself


galaxy s4 galaxy s5


スコア 0

I have recently had the same problem. I believe some extra glue had bonded the screen to the glass. I had an issue trying to remove 2 areas and that's where I found 2 slivers of the lcd screen.


スコア 0

Njcummings - chances are that you broke the backlight layer of the lcd assembly. So.... You will have to replace more than just the glass (which is the outermost layer of the Screen assembly).


スコア 0

just attempted my first glass change! i was told to leave it and buy a new lcd with glass, im pleased to say i found it very easy to do, all you have to do is take your time and not rush? i had a hot plate and heat gun but found it easier with just the heat gun..i used the hot plate when finished to heat the glue so as to seal it better..im now putting an add in my local paper to repair other peoples..


スコア 0


sorry folks i posted my last post in the wrong bit



It's also worth mentioning that 3rd party screens can not handle the heat/process as well as genuine screens. Also, if the digitizer has been removed in the past.


スコア 0

Use a proper repair method do the full screen assembly. Glass replacement = fail.


スコア 0


I'd have to agree with this comment unless you really know what you are doing, have the proper tools, a lot of patience and a gentle hand. I've done well over 30 glass replacements, which is nothing to some of the folks on here, but is still enough to know quite a bit. I've permanently disabled, that is fractured the substrate that lights the screen and basically powers the LCD on 3 occasions. It's an expensive lesson to learn. So if you don't mind risking permanent, irreparable damage, stick with purchasing the whole assembly and sell your old working LCD, broken glass screen on eBay for a few dollars.



I used dental floss to help pull the glass off the lcd without hurting it.


スコア 0


Nice! Never thought of that as an alternative. In fact it seems counterintuitive to be using wire at all on something so fragile! Great idea. I'm gonna give that a whirl on my next personal repair!



I have a galaxy S3 (att). My problem is I used my phone it was fine then the last thing I remember was putting it in m back pocket when I got home I plugged it up because when I used it last it was almost dead...so I plugged it up went back later and my phone u could here it come on the home screen and what knot lit up but there is nothing on my screen well now when u hit the lock button u can see the top partial of my back ground then it just goes black!! My front screen there is NO cracks nothing its in perfect condition!!! That's what is throwing me off!!! Anyone tell me what I can do to fix this or any insight of what I could do to fix it or what parts do I need to buy and if I have to buy any part please direct me to a good place to purchase them TIA :) HAVE A GOOD DAY


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

Yeah, you really shouldn't be sitting on your phone. No matter how many times that it was just fine all the times before chances are you killed the backlight this time. Of course I won't be a complete negative Nancy.... Take off the back cover of your S3, and inspect the connection between the board and LCD assembly connection. It's the biggest connector on the board. Maybe it got pulled off slightly and is just making contact. If this isn't the case, you may want to first look on good old Craigslist for a cheap replacement with a fully functioning screen. That's kind of an iffy proposition and is usually only good to do if you're familiar in looking for parts. The better route for finding a replacement LCD assembly is either eBay or Amazon. The cost difference is very slight, maybe $5, and quality is usually the same. The bigger difference is shipping speed. If you NEED it, buy locally. If you aren't in a rush, buy from China or if you're lucky Korea, South Korea. Lol.


Be careful ordering on amazon. Only order from dealers with plenty of reviews and not new to selling on amazon. Some of the new ones take your payment and cash out asap and dont send the part. I had one say it was delivered frpm china the next day... Yea, right. Amazon is good for the refund but i dont know hpw they get their money fromel scammo.



I've just done a charger port replacement on my galaxy s5, have put everything back together, but now have no screen...LED lights come on, but no picture. I have checked i connected it back up properly and can't see anything wrong..! Does anyone know what could have happened? Many thanks.


スコア 0


The lcd cable that connects the screen assembly to the motherboard must have been disconnected. It happened to me once. Just disassemble the phone, put it back in and it should work. Make sure you apply some pressure on the plug to secure a strong connection this time.




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