
iPhoneの5代目となるiPhone 4S。このデバイスの修理は比較的簡単で、スクリュードライバー、開口ツールと忍耐が必要です。GSM/CDMA / 16, 32, 64 GB / 白と黒

20回答 すべてを表示

Please help fast: Keeps saying searching

Hello everyone,

I tried to replace my front glass, but now I've got 2 problems. My first problem is when I boot it keeps saying 'searching' for some reason. It doesn't ask my pincode for my sim card.

My second problem is.. I broke the little wifi antenna the thing where you pop it in came from the motherboard.. what can I do?

It's not my iphone please help me quick :o

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スコア 5
5 件のコメント

the male connector came of the circuited board? That could most certainly explain why it is searching


Isn't that for the wifi? so I mean the small thing which is under this thing: http://images.anandtech.com/doci/4971/4S...

How can I fix it?


It'll help if you post an image of the actual broken part, including the board.


You won't see anything on the picture. Though I can explain.

On the 4S you've the wifi antenna which is under the screw on this picture: http://images.anandtech.com/doci/4971/4S...

And you click the antenna ONTO the motherboard. Well, the thing where it needs to be clicked in came off the motherboard and is still attached to the antenna.

But that doesn't make any sense why its keep saying searching and doesn't popup my pincode screen..


Does anyone know what causes this problem?





I think the searching thing is a bug in iOS 6 !

Try to set the correct date/hour before insterting the SIM card !


スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

I tried the date/time-thing and it worked. Amazing :)


The date/time-thing worked, thanks Christophe!



i don't think the wifi antenna makes the phone say searching.

is the iphone running iOS 6?

maybe there is something wrong with the software.

as soon as you take out the battery you'll get the searching thing.

also doesn't recognize any sim.

connect to itunes and restore


スコア 1

4 件のコメント:

Indeed, it doesn't ask for my pincode at all.. And it indeed runs 6.0.

This all happened after I took the phone apart.

I'm going to try a restore, sadly :p


Worked like a charm! Though, I have to solder the WiFi connection back to the motherboard and hopefully my WiFi comes back.


How can I accept your answer? lol


No idea how you can accept my answer, but if think i found a solution.

Need more phones to test en be sure.

Remove the simlock code (with another phone..)

Worked on 2 phones so far



Do you have the new IOS6 update???

If so, just use another phone to call your mobile. Not sure why this works but i haved now repaired 6 4s with this new update and after i repaired them they all had the searching come up, now i just call the number and it kinda like resets the reception.

other words just call your mobile from a different phone

hope this helps


スコア 1


Worked for me 2!



First of all, Reseat the upper right antenna of your iPhone which seems like pulled off little bit or has not been seated properly. Solder the antenna that came off carefully. It should work. If it solved your issue, please mark the answer as Accepted.


スコア 0

I too have this issue. I don't have any possibility to connect it to iTunes at the moment.

Can anyone else confirm that it helps to do a reset in iTunes?


スコア 0


I am an small time independent technician.

I am not so sure about your battery problem but double check by replacing your battery or battery connector. whereas about the searching part I have been having the same problem with after replacing display assemblies for some of my customers and most of the iphones were repaired and fixed by restoring only maybe its a bug or an an apple hole for all of us to fall in or its just me.

The date and time adjustment as well as calling myself did not work for me.



スコア 0


For the date/time thing

Do not insert sim

Connect to wifi

Go to date/time settings

Turn off automatic

Set to x/x/2012

Turn on automatic

Check if it corrected date to today

Insert sim

If this doesn't work. Probably not ios 6 bug...



mine has searching on the left top corner and does not read the service i repaired the screen and the wifi is sweet and is not 6.0 but 4s


スコア 0


Ios 6.0 is a software version for the 3gs, 4, 4s and iphone 5



its just simple guys !!!!! i m having this problem after replacing the midle plate .....just turn off your device n than open the backcase - the battery and the last 1 is unplug the celluler antena then plug it again (this work for me after i tried all the sollution above )

sorry for my bad english at typing just share here


スコア 0

I recently changed the LCD on my iphone 4S. I took a lot of care when doing this and the logic board seems to be in great condition with everything else working, inlcluding the speakers, touch screen and wifi. But I can not get any signal from the sim card even though the iphone can register the sim card details, and says no sim card installed when I take it out.

I have tried a lot of the solutions people have suggested on here. I have cleaned all the metal contacts with alcohol, made sure the connectors are properly connected (well atleast I think they are) and even bought a new antenna, a new chassis, but nothing seems to have worked.

I have realised the emergency call didnt work, so would that suggest it is an antenna issue??

Any help at this point would be really greatful.




スコア 0

That *@!#!*$ date setting keep my phone searching after update ios 6.1

Thnx everyone...


スコア 0

I would also like to thank Chris for his answer, but can't figure how to add under his post! My experience was a little different and may be helpful to others. The iPhone 4S of a friend needed the screen replacing and it is OS5, but the date fix worked. I have never done this before or even owned an iPhone. I followed the guide here

iPhone 4S スクリーンの交換

which is complete except it doesn't mention the front camera surround (a clear plastic ring with a bit needs to be prised off the old screen and put back in the phone body and the new screen put on from top so the surround thing doesn't fall out.

I am very meticulous and felt I did a good job, but got a continuous Searching. Telstra couldn't fix it! They did the sleep reboot and other stuff and wanted to sell a new phone! Going into settings general date&time, turning it to manual, setting it to current date & time, ejecting the sim card and reinserting it, turning airoplane mode off then on got it sorted. The last step was probably only needed to recheck as where I fixed the phone there wasn't good enough signal to pick up but going outside then turning aeroplane on & off saw it sorted.

I did as a "by the way" also connect to my wireless system before doing the above, this was just to see if that worked or not, but I was connected to wireless throughout the above procedure, doubt it is important but stating for completeness.

The unusual aspect to the above is this was an OS5 phone whereas others say it is an OS6 issue, it seems it is really a bug that has been carried on from earlier!


スコア 0

I have a iPhone 5 I woke up one morning by finding my phone saying "searching" after days before updating to 8.4 I need help did all the general resets and soft resets.


スコア 0


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