
My new ssd drive does not show up

I've bought a Corsair Force series 3 ssd for my MacBook PRO a1150, installed it using ifixits(great) turorial, and i have a usbstick that i installed os x 10.6 on, but the ssd does not show up when i am asked to choose wich drive i want to install on, the disklist is completly empty. I'm thinking That My MacBook is not compatible with the ssd but i've read about it and never found anything about that, please help, i'm using My iPhone to write this and it's really exhausting :(

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You can connect SATA III and II to a SATA I as long as the SDD drive supports it. So, my first suggestion would be to check if you SDD support SATA I. If it does, then make sure you formated the SDD to Mac OS Extended Journaled.

I have a Kingston SATA III (6Gb/s) working on my MPB that is a SATA I (1.5Gb/s)

Hope this helps.


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Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can install a 6 Gb/s drive in a computer with a 1.5 Gb/s SATA interface. Corsair says the drive is backwards compatible with SATA I and II in the specs, but only mentions compatibility with 3 Gb/s SATA II in their product description.

If that's not actually the issue, open disk utility to check that the drive is formatted to Mac OS Extended (journaled). If the drive shows up there and is in a different format (such as FAT32), format it to Mac OS Extended (journaled).


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