
オリジナル投稿者: Leanna Keightley


Upgrading Storage / restore step


I have a question about upgrading the storage on the new Mac Mini M4.  I bought the base model.  I have the 2T SSD card upgrade on the way from store.m4-ssd.com.  I haven’t even turned on the mini yet.  I am confident that I can switch out the SSD physically.  But I am unclear about how to get the 2T SSD card to work.  I don’t have an extra Mac lying around to use Apple Configurator.  I do have a Surface Pro running windows. Can I restore the Mac mini from iTunes?  The surface has 2 x USB-C® with USB 4.0 / Thunderbolt 4.  So I would just have to download iTunes, run iTunes when I  and connect the Mac mini to the surface pro, and turn on the mini in DFU mode.  Do I have these steps right?

Or is the only way to do this is with another Mac?


Mac mini (2024)

