You appear to be dancing around talking about USB which is not involved in hooking up your display. Next you get into Ethernet and a router which again have no bearing on hooking up a display.
Your Mac has a combo port! The Thunderbolt port also supports mDP connected displays or a mDP to HDMI or other display interface.
As to making it a headless server or running Windows let’s first get the system working as a Mac then you can get these issues.
As to making it a headless server or running Windows let’s first get the system working as a Mac, then you can get to these issues.
You appear to be dancing around talking about USB which is not involved in hooking up your display. Next you get into Ethernet and a router which again have no bearing on hooking up a display.
Your Mac has a combo port! The Thunderbolt port also supports mDP connected displays or a mDP to HDMI or other display interface.
As to making it a headless server or running Windows let’s first get the system working as a Mac hen you can get these issues.
As to making it a headless server or running Windows let’s first get the system working as a Mac then you can get these issues.
You appear to be dancing around talking about USB which is not involved in hooking up your display. Next you get into Ethernet and a router which again have no bearing on hooking up a display.
Your Mac has a combo port! The Thunderbolt port also supports mDP connected displays or a mDP to HDMI or other display interface.
As to making it a headless server or running Windows let’s first get the system working as a Mac hen you can get these issues.