
対象のモデルはA1419 / EMC 2806 / Late 2014 または Mid 2015。 3.3 または 3.5GHz Core i5 または 4.0GHz Core i7 (機種ID iMac15,1)、EMC 2834 late 2015 / 3.3 または 3.5 GHz Core i5 または 4.0 GHz Core i7 (機種ID iMac17,1)のRetina 5Kディスプレイを搭載したすべて。

577回答 すべてを表示

Mac Recovery OS Reinstall Error - Failed to mount outer dmg

My iMac hard drive went bad (confirmed by apple store test) so I ordered the 500 GB SATA SSD drive kit from iFixit. Install went great and now stuck on trying to install Mac OS Sierra on the new drive. It runs for ~5 mins and then states error occurred. When I view the install log the last two lines I see are:
: Couldn't mount base system dmg! (error code 110)
: Failed to mount outer dmg

In Disk Utility I see the OS X Base System disk image as well as Apple SSD internal media. I've run First Aid on all entries in disk utility. Any other suggestions?

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スコア 0

1 件の回答


Internet recovery can get corrupted in the network connection. I’ve found using a bootable OS installer is easier and faster once you’ve made it.

Do you have access to another Mac and a 32GB USB thumb drive?


スコア 3

12 件のコメント:

Yes Dan. I made a USB installer following the steps in this video https://youtu.be/pRdrpIDgjGo

When I hold the Option key during boot I see the Mac OS Installer I created, but when I select it I get an error screen with a circle with a line through it (like do not enter sign) and the URL support.apple.com/mac/startup

Is there another way to use my USB installer to install the OS on my new hard drive?


@joefixitmac - Let’s backup here for a sec which OS did your system have before the drive died? That’s important as Apple changed things on us so if the system was running Sierra you really need to start there as the system firmware needs to be updated to support Ventura or Catalina.


Funny you should mention that, Dan. I was thinking about that after I responded and then found this site to confirm my hardware won't work with Ventura https://macmost.com/macos-system-require...

I'm downloading Sierra now and will recreate my USB. I'll let you know how it goes ...


@joefixitmac - this system can support up to macOS Big Sur (macOS 11) officially.


@danj I'm having problems trying to figure out how to update the USB from the Sierra dmg file I downloaded. If I run the install it tries to install on the current machine and I can't target the USB. I'm not able to use the "createinstallmedia" application from a downloaded dmg. Any suggestions?





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