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Shorter Battery Life
In some cases, the ThinkPad won’t be able to stay on as long as it used to be. If the battery dies quicker than it used to be, then there may be some reasons why.
Short Battery Life
The battery isn’t able to charge completely because it could’ve been plugged in for too long or another reason. A way you can resolve the problem is to let the battery die completely, then hold the power button to discharge it.
Faulty battery
After some use to the computer, the battery may become less efficient and less proficient and may die quicker. A probable solution is to purchase a new battery to replace the old battery. You can remove the battery by unscrewing some of the screws for the long panel on the bottom of the computer and removing the battery, or look at this link to find out how to safely and surely remove the battery.
Display Won’t Stay on
Display doesn’t stay on after doing some actions.
Loose Video Connector
When you close your laptop, then open it, the resolution starts to flicker uncontrollably. It can be solved temporarily by changing the resolution or can be permanently solved by downloading the Intel HD Graphics Driver update, as it resolves the flicker bug. Another reason why it could be doing that is that the Video Connector is loose or even unplugged, which can cause the screen to flicker, become immensely dark, despite the brightness. You can check if it is by opening the laptop by these directions.
Display Freezing
When you attempt to add a display port from the laptop to somewhere else, the display tends to freeze for around 2 minutes, then doesn’t display anything onto whatever you wanted it to display. It’s simply because you may have something else connected to the computer, making the display port not work properly. It can be something like a wireless mouse/ keyboard, or something else, as it can interfere with the display port.
Faulty Display
If the display doesn’t turn on at all, then it’s safe to say that the display screen could be faulty and may need to be replaced in order to work. Either that, or the brightness is too low, but hardly doubt it. You can learn on how to remove the screen safely here.
System Freezing when Mishandled
There are some cases where if you hold it in a certain position, there's a possibility that it will freeze up.
Damaged Motherboard
In some cases, if you hold the laptop towards the left of it, or the tab side, then it has a chance of freezing the whole system. The issue is with the motherboard. The only solution is the replace the motherboard, as one of the traces can be affecting the BSOD’s and corrupting the signals and the BSOD itself.
Bluetooth stops Working
At times, when you attempt to connect something like a wireless headset/mouse, and it doesn’t connect for whatever reason.
Faulty Drivers
When you connect through Bluetooth, sometimes it stops working, leaving you unable to connect for a while. What you can do is to install a new driver update, as the one you may have could be outdated. You can update by going onto the Bluetooth settings and check for updates. There’s a possibility that it could be outdated. Another option is to go to the Lenovo support website and select the products. From there, go to the “Drivers and software” and click on the Bluetooth component. Download and run the installer.
Keyboard Becomes Stuck on Certain Keyboard Commands
When you press certain keys, the ctrl will become “stuck”, as to how sticky keys work with the shift key.
Certain Keys Become Stuck
After doing some work, the ctrl key becomes stuck, because of some bug, or maybe the keyboard becomes damaged in some way. The first thing you should try is to reboot the computer, as it may be a bug in the computer. Another solution, if you cannot afford to purchase a new keyboard, is to factory reset your computer. That should clean your computer and fix your keyboard issue, but make sure you save your important data onto something like a flash drive or external hard drive. If those didn’t work, then you should purchase a new keyboard and replace the old one, as the old one may have some issues. You can remove the internal keyboard by looking at this link here.
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Two sounds at once?
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