

この分解は修理ガイドでは ありません。 お持ちのFitBit Surgeを修理する際は、iFixitの修理ガイドをご利用ください。

  1. FitBit Surge Teardown, The Surge: 手順 1、 2の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, The Surge: 手順 1、 2の画像 2
    • Fitbit's latest fitness "super watch" has some pretty nice features, including:

    • Built-in GPS

    • Wrist-based optical heart rate monitor

    • Wireless syncing to smartphone or computer

    • 7+days of battery life without gps and up to 7h with gps (according to some reviews)

    Can I purchase the metal casing around the watch like the sliver metal case seen above

    Chris - 返信

  2. FitBit Surge Teardown, Removing the bands: 手順 2、 3の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, Removing the bands: 手順 2、 3の画像 2 FitBit Surge Teardown, Removing the bands: 手順 2、 3の画像 3
    • Remove the four screws

    • The bands are glued pretty well so you need to cut your way through to remove them and expose the fibit body

    • Cutting through the middle and lifting sideways worked pretty well

  3. FitBit Surge Teardown, GPS antenna: 手順 3、 3の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, GPS antenna: 手順 3、 3の画像 2 FitBit Surge Teardown, GPS antenna: 手順 3、 3の画像 3
    • Once you remove the bands scrape away the glue on the top side to expose the GPS antenna

  4. FitBit Surge Teardown, Bluetooth antenna: 手順 4、 2の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, Bluetooth antenna: 手順 4、 2の画像 2
    • On the other band you'll find the bluetooth antenna which is actually a flexible antenna glued to the inside of the band.

    • This antenna can be left on the surge if you try to detach wrist band by fitting something thin between front glass and the band.

    That flexible antenna glued to the band is actually a NFC tag to launch the FitBit app on phones with NFC capabilities.

    giorgio groves - 返信

  5. FitBit Surge Teardown, Opening the body: 手順 5、 3の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, Opening the body: 手順 5、 3の画像 2 FitBit Surge Teardown, Opening the body: 手順 5、 3の画像 3
    • With the bands out of the way it's time to go inside Fitbit's guts

    • Remove the four metal parts as shown in the photo

    • After that just insert a screw driver or other sharp object into the fissure and voilá

  6. FitBit Surge Teardown, Touchscreen controller: 手順 6、 2の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, Touchscreen controller: 手順 6、 2の画像 2
    • Right after splitting Fitbit into 2 the first component is immediately exposed

    • Cypress CY8CTMA463 touchscreen controller

  7. FitBit Surge Teardown, Microcontroller: 手順 7、 3の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, Microcontroller: 手順 7、 3の画像 2 FitBit Surge Teardown, Microcontroller: 手順 7、 3の画像 3
    • After removing the large shield on the main PCB the brains of the gadget become visible

    • Silicon Labs EFM32 Giant Gecko (ARM Cortex-M3) EFM32GG395F1024

    • Micron Serial NOR Flash N25Q064A11ESEA0F

    • (Cypress touchscreen controller still visible here plugged into the main PCB)

  8. FitBit Surge Teardown, The other side: 手順 8、 2の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, The other side: 手順 8、 2の画像 2
    • After removing the battery holder the main PCB can be carefully dislodged from the plastic body

    • Texas Instruments Battery Charger BQ24232H

    • MediaTek GPS Receiver MT3339 (couldn't find any datasheet, just a press release on it)

    • Texas Instruments Bluetooth Controller CC2564

  9. FitBit Surge Teardown, LCD and back side: 手順 9、 2の画像 1 FitBit Surge Teardown, LCD and back side: 手順 9、 2の画像 2
    • The LCD is secured with 3 very visible screws on the bottom side

    • Sharp TFT-LCD LS013B7DH01

  10. FitBit Surge Teardown, Family photo: 手順 10、 1の画像 1
    • Here are all the parts after the teardown



Tiago Monte

メンバー登録日: 05/26/15

88 ポイント


52 件のコメント

Any idea about the sensors? The heart rate sensor is obvious, and I'm sure there are accelerators. I think the white topped part near the TI battery charger is an altimeter. Anything else on there that anyone recognizes?

Chris Arney - 返信

Hi Chris,

Yes it's a MS5805-02BA01 pressure sensor.

I've been trying to repair a Fitbit charge and the device had a dry joint. Sadly I was unable to repair it. Bin job :(

Russell Gibb -

Could you show photos of the area where the Heart Rate Sensor is located. It is Seen clearly in Step5 - first picture. Is it a custom sensor or does it use a 3rd party sensor

Fitbit Wearer - 返信

Is it possible to replace the glass that goes over the screen?

Tim - 返信

@Tim: yes, I would like to know the same thing? Is it possible to replace a cracked screen and if so, how much is the part?

idaho112233 -

I have a crack in my screen also and would like to know this as well????

Chris -

I clicked on the link for the screen tech sheet. At the end is a link to where you can buy a new screen:


Price for 1 is 13.80 USD

My kid threw a flashlight at me and smashed it. The outside glass is busted really good, but the display still works, touch screen still works. Unexpected to see it working. If I can't get it replaced I may try to do it myself...

Not the original Tim, :).

btw, if you can't get the bands off without cutting them, I don't see the point in trying to fix the display.

Tim -

what is the capacity (mAh) of the battery? thanks!

yoshi chin - 返信

Curious if anyone knows what type of adhesive is used to bond the band to the actual hardware casing? Trying to fix my charge Hr

Jason D - 返信

I have a surge with a broken glass the screen still works fine. I called fitbit and they sent me a new surge because the first one's screen broke. I haven't had a chance to call again about the second one with a broken glass. I really don't expect them to continue sending me new ones for replacement. I am not a construction worker I don't abuse it but the glass is very fragile. Can you replace it? Perhaps upgrade the glass?

Steve Hall - 返信

Hello, anybody know what device located in picture 7? The device is under the Energy Micro and left of the Cypress Touch controller. Looks like a WLCSP device?

tnakonsut38 - 返信

Anyone know if it is possible to put a replacement battery in? Mine broke :-/

Drammy - 返信

Where do you get the replacement band they don't have then at Fitbit and how much are they

charest0711 - 返信

I contacted Fitbit to get a new band and they said they'd send me a replacement. THEY SENT A WHOLE NEW SURGE. I guess the band is not replaceable?

Sherry Lewis -

Is it possible to replace the battery since mine is only lasting one day

robert jones - 返信

Mine, all of a sudden, lasted for only 5 hours with everything turned off. I called Fitbit customer service, on a Sunday morning no less, and they sent me a new Surge no questions asked. I was still under the warranty period, however.

gsdgdjmjtyvfjfghfh5yh -

Any recommendations on how to replace the band?

Roberto Gil - 返信

the band it`s simply glued if you get a new one,. Nobody sells it, and fibit Support send nothing as i asked. Fitbit Support means that e-bay as seller can help me. puh............... crazy

Michaela -

You can get fit bit surge bands from Amazon or Ali Express

ztardis2000 -

My dog ate my band on my Surge, I found a used broken faced Surge on Kijiji, can you advise if I can swap bands with the broken one to make 1 good one, my concern is that there is something technology related inside the band that won't allow me to do this, Thanks for the help

brad A - 返信

I have a Surge with the clasp missing. Where can I get a clasp. It is an easy fix if I can get the clasp. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, BIL

BIL Willis - 返信

What is the best tool to use to make that clean of a cut in the beginning?

Nicholas Light - 返信

I was able to get Fitbit to replace my surge with out having to send my old one back so I was going to try and fix it for my brother but how do you remove the screws they are smaller then any size screw bit I have and where can I get a replacement band?

Jay Gibson - 返信

I'm sure you already found out that the screws are very small Torx type screws.

tjm -

Where to get the parts to repair? especially the wrist band?

Michaela - 返信

This is an excellent inside look at the Surge. Most of the posts are a bit old but if I can't fix it I'll try and make some of the parts available. A new one is on the way. Aside from the glass being fragile (mine's not broken), the thing is not very tolerant of moisture and the 'water resistant' description is somewhat optimistic. When mine is in the sun some moisture forms on the inside of the glass and the touch screen stops working. Never submerged. The closest to water is a hand washing. But they don't waste any time in volunteering a replacement. I'll have it apart this week.

tjm - 返信

Do Fitbit make the wrist band themselves or is it sub-contacted out to a third party ? If made elsewhere does anybody know what the company name is and how to contact them?

Gary - 返信

What type of glue do you use


I used this band, was pretty easy to replace however now my battery isn't working now. Somehow I don't think Fitbit will do anything because I've tampered with it. Time for a new tracker.

anitawoodrow -

What type of glue do you use to put the new band on? Does anyone know where to get the metal parts of the band?

IamMrEb - 返信

Just Changed the Bands on my Fitbit Surge,but lost 2 Screws in the process.

Where can I buy More Screws?

Anthony Bova - 返信

Hi there, can you tell me what brand/type of glue you use to stick the silicone and the plastic together


Has anyone had an issue with a button that taking it apart and cleaning resolved? I can feel the home button depress and make contact, but I think it's not making electrical contact (probably from Caribbean salt water corrosion

Anthony Juliano - 返信

what kind of screwdriver do I need?

vodkatom whiskey - 返信

Which way around are the gnd and 5v pins? I need to rig up a temporary charger until I find my proper one. I know it is the outside pins. But hard to orient it from pics here. Thanks. Dave

David Hibbert - 返信

Incase of changing the bands, if Bluetooth antenna is stuck with band and removed from the Surge, will the fitness watch still work? data syncing will still work via charging cable?

ulessys - 返信

I've purchased a replacement band for my fitbit and reattached the bluetooth antenna without glue and the bluetooth works. The first time using the bluetooth after replacing the bad took a bit longer than usual to sync with the GPS satellite but it works now without any out of the ordinary issues.

L “Rico” Hirano -

Lost the 4 torx screws. Any idea where i can get replacements?

John Jarmon - 返信

Took mine apart today. It's been acting up for a while now due to some moisture that appears to have gotten into the touchscreen portion. I can see some condensate under the crystal. I tried to treat it in a vacuum to boil out the moisture but it appears to get rid of some moisture but not all.

Anyway, they sent me a new one a while back and this one stopped working so it got dissassembled. Displayed OK but no touchscreen function. The bands are cracked by the screws and the touchscreen doesn't appear to work having some spider-web type cracks or crazing along one edge.. The battery was good and other parts were working, not withstanding any dissassembly damage (appears none).

Anyone who wants the parts I'll send them CONUS only. First contact wins. Thanks.

tjm - 返信

Do you still have the surge parts?

Kereen Amos -

I do have the parts.

tjm - 返信

@shnici did you find out what glue to use? Can you share?

Leisa - 返信

any idea what part counts the steps? I have an issue where the step count continues to increase throughout the day, even when I’m not wearing it. I’m reaching over 70,000 steps a day! I have a spare watch with a bad screen. Thought I may be able to swap some parts around

Ryan - 返信

I’m tossing the parts from my 8/13 post unless someone makes contact.

tjm - 返信

One more thing. It appears to be almost impossible to pass along addresses for trading parts without posting them publicly. There needs to be a private messaging function to do this and if it’s here somewhere, I can’t find it.

tjm - 返信

tjm : i’ll take those parts, been better with a PM system, thats for sure


Had success with the Etoper I got off of Amazon

torx (#5) screwdriver included

fit2t - 返信

I´ve used gasoline in a insuline syringe, which resulted in a magic of tear it down. With microscopic amounts of it, I´ve took off all glued parts, even the wrist band survived. The shields for the main chips can get taken away since they are just clicked in. Finally my tear down is all clean parts.

Vik San - 返信

I was trying to reset mine and put a pin in the hole.  Found out later that this shouldn’t be done.  Can it be repaired?

WDS - 返信

Can you share the charging port pinout?

James Heires - 返信

I'm also looking for the pinout and have had no luck so far! At this point I'm not buying a charger out of spite because I just want to make a darn new one! >:^((

Klydeus Maximus -



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