これらのLEDライトには3年間の保証がついていますが、送料を払ってライトを返品するより、自分で修理したほうが安上がりです。私はDigikeyでT1 3/4 (5 mm)のLEDを購入し、800 mcd以上で好きな色のライトを探しました。結局買ったのは、
404-1096-ND (red)
404-1097-ND (orange)
C503B-BCS-CV0Z0461-ND (blue)
C503B-GCN-CY0C0791-ND (green)
404-1092-ND (yellow)
9 の人々がこのガイドを完成させました。
Midori Doiさんは世界中で修理する私たちを助けてくれています! あなたも貢献してみませんか?
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13 件のコメント
Hi! Can you tell me the difference between the two types of light bases you show above? The situation I have is I bought a set of the clear LEDs figuring we could get replacements since my husband prefers the colored ones. But, once we started pulling them apart, we found the different sized bases and the only replacement ones I could find had the short stubby base. Are they interchangeable if we pull the bulb out of the base? Do you have any suggestions for us? Thanks for any help!
The reason for the two different size sockets is that if you look at your strand, every so many lights three wire come into the socket instead of two. I think (and this is only a hypothesis) than the shorter sockets are to allow room for the connection of the third wire. Why they didn't just use short sockets for everything I don't know. But it seems likely to me that the short one would work everywhere. I have not tried it.
Thanks so much for posting this guide! My outdoor light strings are far from waterproof and I live in a rainy climate (yes, even in December), so my original LEDs corroded badly and the strings stopped working.
I ordered a whack of replacement LEDs using the reference numbers you provided. Replacement was simple. The results were spectacular -- better than I had dared hope. For $10 and a few minutes work, I kept $200 worth of strings from getting tossed. Thanks a bunch!