


この分解は修理ガイドでは ありません。 お持ちのGoogle Pixel 2 XLを修理する際は、iFixitの修理ガイドをご利用ください。

  1. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解, Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 1、 1の画像 1
    • 快速浏览下谷歌高科技开发部门往这部手机中塞进了什么东西吧。

    • 6英寸OLED(POLED)显示屏,分辨率1440X2880(538 PPI)以及第五代康宁大猩猩3D玻璃。

    • 高通(Qualcomm)骁龙(Snapdragon)835 八核64位处理器(2.35GHz+1.9GHz),并带有4 GB LPDDR4X运存。

    • 12.2MP后置摄像头,带有f/1.8光圈,支持双像素相位自动对焦以及激光自动对焦。前置8MP像素摄像头。

    • 64GB或128GB板载存储。

    • 背部按压式指纹传感器

    • IP67级别防尘防水

    • Android 8.0奥利奥系统

  2. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 2、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 2、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 2、 3の画像 3
    • 我们来自Creative Electron 的朋友,从加州圣马科斯为我们带了一些X光图

    • 这两排密集分布的矩形部件我们想应该是为了支持边框按压功能,我们的磁铁能透过外壳吸附在它的上面,但很明显,内部那些矩形不是磁铁,我们将会拆开它来探寻它的秘密

    • 看来这个震动点击是(又一次是) 线性振荡器

    • 尽管我们的肉眼难以发现,但Pixel 2 XL依旧有外壳天线,看X光中被标记的那些亮点。

    • 即使我们为它拍了张X光我们也未能找到耳机接口的存在...

  3. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 3、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 3、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 3、 3の画像 3
    • 谷歌一直呼吁世界上的人们多去“为你的手机提出更多要求”,但是从外部来看,我们不能对其要求超过iPhone 7 Plus。

    • 但在Pixel 2 XL中我们能要求相对严格于Pixel 2的东西。XL拥有更窄的边框,更大的屏幕,更时尚的整体设计。

    • 相对于Pixel 2上的2D屏幕而言,XL的屏幕为用户多提供了0.5D的手感

    “styling from an iPhone 7 Plus” Really? I don’t see anything similar, other than the size and color.

    j_noodles - 返信

    I agree. That was certainly a dumb remark. I'm sure they'd have the same silhouette, but the back design is different, fingerprint location is different, an entirely different camera setup, the volume rockers are on opposite sides, and let's not forget the glass panel. They feel entirely different in the hand too. Now if they turned them around, the front firing speakers and small bezels would be even more of a tremendous difference.

    Sean Van de Riet -

    Erm. Could you comment on the 2.5 D aspect a bit more than just linking to Wikipedia? I am confused.

    Hans - 返信

  4. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 4、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 4、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 4、 3の画像 3
    • 一款支持防水的智能手机意味着其身上的孔洞缝隙都将被密封,我们找到了第一个谷歌为了防水做出的工作—带有密封圈的SIM卡槽。

    • 其实这款手机并不需要物理SIM卡

    • 与以往的拆解步骤不同,这次拆解我们并没有用上iOpener。Pixel 2使用了不需要加热就可以分离的泡沫胶带。

    • 在内部我们发现了一条很长的电缆—和我们曾经见到的一条很不友好的电缆很像

    Do not open it from the SIM tray slot. Its the wrong side. You will damage your flexcables.

    Georg jocher - 返信

  5. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 5、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 5、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 5、 3の画像 3
    Metal Spudger
    • 在进一步的拆解之前我们需要先取出屏幕。这块屏幕的两条电缆通过中框上的塑料夹片固定着,并且你只能使用撬棍来拆除它

    • 就和前代Pixel XL一样,一块镁制挡板将屏幕和内部隔离开了,并为你不慎弄碎屏幕后保护你内部组件

    • 说起这块挡板,我们在上面找到了一根全新的热管!看样子这部手机运行起来会比前代热一点

    Heat pipe touches with heat-sink through black plastic tape, that’s probably quite a bit of thermal insulation…

    Anton Kovalenko - 返信

  6. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 6、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 6、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 6、 3の画像 3
    • 去年,HTC制造的Pixel XL为我们展示了一种新颖的去除电池胶带的方法—通过撕开电池外包装标签来取出电池。

    • 今年,LG的工业设计理念并没有包括任何与更简单地取出电池的项目。(R.I.P

    • 这块电池提供了13.6Wh的能量(3520mAh,3.85V),和去年的13.28Wh相比有略微的提升

    • 这块电池和拥有13.48Wh的三星Galaxy S8+相当,并远超iPhone 8 Plus的10.28Wh

  7. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 7、 2の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 7、 2の画像 2
    • 我们撕开一点覆铜胶带,拿出XL中如野兽般存在的后置摄像头

    • 虽然这个摄像头的像素数量和去年的相同,但摄像头的参数重也仅仅只有像素数量相同而已。

    • 今年谷歌使用了Dual Pixel传感器,并增加了光学防抖,光圈亦从去年的f/2.0增大到f/1.8.

    • 这就是大名鼎鼎的谷歌相机?哦,这可不是,这只是一个物理的相机模组而已。

    What`s the exact model of rear CMOS?

    Jeff Yang - 返信

    What`s the exact model of sensor in rear-facing camera? Still from Sony?

    Jeff Yang - 返信

  8. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 8、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 8、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 8、 3の画像 3
    • 前置的传感器排线已被断开,但目前仍留在手机中—我们要钓更大的鱼。

    • 随着其它一些接口的断开,这就是所有固定在主板上的接口了—看上去那些中框螺丝是唯一的固定件!

    • 主板取出!但我们还有一个次要的部件要拆除。

    • 前置800万像素摄像头很容易被取出,也能轻松地重新装上,要知道这颗摄像头足足比最新的iPhone多了一百万像素。

  9. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 9、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 9、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 9、 3の画像 3
    • 从沙子到硅片—主板上的这些芯片就是一个迷你的撒哈拉沙漠。让我们来看看它们!

    • 三星(Samsung) K3UH5H5 4 GB LPDDR4X DRAM, 封装于高通(Qualcomm)骁龙(Snapdragon)835上。

    • 三星(Samsung )KLUCG4J1ED 64 GB UFS存储。

    • 安华高科技(Avago) AFEM-9046 KA1717 LB003 172604S6 00105

    • Qorvo QM78035(很可能是RF射频模块?)

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks) 7360-2A 1716 HX

    • 恩智浦(NXP) 81A04 39 04 sSD730 (应该是NFC控制模组) 以及田村制作所(Murata) SS7715005 (Wi-Fi/蓝牙模组?)

    • 最后但却依旧重要, 我们看到了谷歌第一个自主研发设计的Soc芯片,Pixel Visual Core,被标记为SR3HX X726C502。目前这颗芯片被谷歌封印着,而它将在Android 8.1推出时解放。

    What's the wifi chip module?

    xu chaojie - 返信

    pixel visual core is real innovation and makes the way for AI in modern smartphone camera but they should improve the camera sensor

    Ved Sharma - 返信

  10. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 10、 2の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 10、 2の画像 2
    • 我们在地壳之外的地方挖掘着

    • 意法半导体(ST Microelectronics)ST33G1M2 32位MCU以及ARMSecurCore SC300

    • 这和我们在Apple Watch Series 3中发现的嵌入式SIM卡 (eSIM)是一样的。

    • 高通(Qualcomm )WTR5975 千兆LTE射频模块。

    • 高通(Qualcomm) PM8998电源管理IC芯片

    • 高通?(Qualcomm?) PMI8998 003 7R71286 HE720 13

    • 高通(Qualcomm)SMB1381 QC4.0快充管理IC

    • 德州仪器?(Texas Instruments?)TI 75AQJH1 2557

    Will it be possible to enable Quickcharge 4 on the Pixel 2?

    Santiago Leiras - 返信

  11. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 11、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 11、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 11、 3の画像 3
    • 主要部件都被拆走以后,我们还剩下少量的部件在上面了

    • 音量加减键依附在塑料框架上

    • 接下来拿出的是扬声器模块,拉开后就可以清楚看见挤压传感器。

    • 我们本来以为会类似苹果Force Touch触控板的实现方式,我们先把它来出来看我们的猜测对不对。

  12. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 12、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 12、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 12、 3の画像 3
    • 这就是挤压边框操作的秘密——这对传感器的一半可以感应你是否在挤压你的 Pixel 2 XL 的边框。

    • 这个传感器由一个柔性印刷的,包裹在一条钢条周围的拥有连接金属元件缝隙的压力感应器的电路板中。

    • 压力感应器是一个形变感应电阻,挤压它时的微小的形变都能改变其电阻。

    • 跟一条压力传感器相比,两排用定位格架分开的压力感应器能让传感器有更好的表现,让其可以感应到很细微的改变。

    • 当你挤压的时候,外侧的传感器会变短,同时内侧传感器会变长。这让Pixel的软件检测到一个很大的确定的偏移并且触发对应功能。

    kann der active squeeze Funktion durch das Austauschen des Backcovers verloren gehen? Und wo kann ich diesen Flexband kaufen?

    Ketsara Srithamma - 返信

  13. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 13、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 13、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 13、 3の画像 3
    • 小的戟状撬棍能让我们好好看看USB-C接口组件。

    • 因为谷歌把USB-C接口放在它自己的板子上给谷歌加分。这是高易损件,要是直接把它练到主板上会让维修变难(且贵)。

    • 而且,由于没有耳机口,这个接口的使用相当于加倍了,因为你会把这个插口既用于听歌又用于充电。

    • 今年的指纹传感器排线比去年强,让拆下传感器像打个响指一样快(这句是个外国人滴关于手指滴笑话)。

  14. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 14、 3の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 14、 3の画像 2 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 14、 3の画像 3
    • 不像被容易划开的泡沫胶粘住的屏幕玻璃,后背玻璃就是另一码事了。

    • 我们很高兴地看到谷歌还没有屈从于全玻璃背板的趋势。这一小点玻璃可能是对天线信号和手机耐用性的折衷。

    • 我们猜测这一厚层胶水是用来在摔落时保护玻璃的吸震层。不管这层胶到底是用来干什么的,我们都得加大量的热来分离玻璃。

    • 取下这个天线围着的小盖子,露出来的是前置传感器的线,只能在移走这块玻璃后在后面才能接触得到。

    Anyone know where to get this part? The back glass is turning out to be quite difficult to locate. So far the closest thing I can find is the entire back cover of the phone.

    Austin - 返信

    Could the back glass be removed first? Without removing anything else?

    Jason Jerez - 返信

    What does the plastic antenna module do exactly. What would happen with out it on.

    Jonas DuBois - 返信

    Yes, the back glass can be removed without removing the screen.

    zach leuty - 返信

  15. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 15、 2の画像 1 Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 15、 2の画像 2
    • 最后我们解放了两个困在被胶粘住的玻璃背板下面的其他两个元件。

    • 紧紧粘在位置上的听筒和NFC天线在又加了一些热后都移出来了。

  16. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解: 手順 16、 1の画像 1
    • 分解成像素,啊不是,分解成元件之后,这台 Pixel(像素)2 XL 看上去真酷!

  17. まとめ
    • 只要屏幕组件先被拆下来,很多零件都是模块化的,可以更换。
    • 所有的螺丝都是普通的Phillips #00 螺丝,而且一共也只有9个。
    • 屏幕仍然很薄而且没有被牢固支撑,尤其是听筒格栅周围,但是泡沫胶让拆解容易了一些。
    • 电池没用易垃胶,而且紧紧地被粘在位置上,让它很难被拿下来。
    • 顽固的中框和紧紧的卡着的屏幕线缆盖需要很大劳动力来修复。


en zh


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36 件のコメント

Great work, so quick! What can you tell about the Pixel Core chip? which was the surprise revelation from google. Does it look similar to other neural chips from iphone or huawei mate 10 pro?

Muthukumaran N M - 返信

Do you know what camera sensor is used in the 2 XL? Rumours have it as the same base sensor as the LG.

Jon - 返信

Like to see the new Google SoC. Suppose to do 3 trillion operations a second so would like to how big. Does not appear you listed?

Edit: Woops! I see in step 9. Thanks!

Jack Smith - 返信

Well… is this or is this not the same display that was in the V30? I could be wrong, but it seems pretty obvious to me in spite of the disagreements that people are having about it.

Ben Kalziqi - 返信

Maybe the same OLED unit, but the front glass is clearly not the same. Also the cables are way different.

iliketurtuls -

I think it is the same one. I’m a pixel 2 xl user and it has the exact same issue.

(Someone in China said it is the same panel, I went to the Chinese Reddit, most of them canceled their order just because of the poor display)

I’m still wondering is it better to get a sony xz premium.

Gefei SHEN -

Great work! Do you also know the chip on their USB-C to 3.5mm audio connector? The iPhone ones and HTC ones both use Cirrus Logic CS42L42 and I am interested if the Google ones is the same or not.

k yuu - 返信

The system uses Qualcomm platform inside. The audio codec is from Qualcomm, Qualcomm WCD9340. Refer to step 10, the chip is next to STM MCU.

JJ Wu -

I am referring the dac in the usb-c to 3.5mm converter if Google uses another codec inside. HTC U11 also has Snapdragon 835’s audio codec built in but they used CS42L42 on their converter.

k yuu -

According to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB-C (search for Analog Audio Out & Microphone section) there should be no need for a dac in the adapter, it's designed to be passive as analog audio may be carried over some usb pins.

So it makes total sense for the dac to be in the phone rather than every cable/adapter. Despite whatever else apple may be doing :)

David Mirabito -

Wowazers goood jiob

Connor Elsegood - 返信

Does it still have cloth fabric for the speaker grill? I think the old Pixel 2016 used cloth fabric.

Sqrbox Gopher - 返信

Do you know who is behind the screen’s display driver?

Mark - 返信

I am curious to see a teardown of the HTC-manufactured Pixel 2. Are you guys expecting a different score there? It should have the same ingredients, as far as Google said so far - except the battery. It would be really interesting to see if that’s the case!

Hans - 返信

Wondering if they’re using external sensor hub still? Using ST motion sensor?

Tommy Chang - 返信

So how do you think these are assembled? Entirely by robots, or do they use Chinese manual labor? Or a combination? I would love to watch that process.

Donald French - 返信

Can you please also tear down the Google Home Mini? It’s now on sale. Also, please murder an Amazon Echo Pro. Thanks!


Ethan Zuo - 返信

This Google Pixel 2 tear down video named Google Pixel 2 reassemble is better.

Mandy - 返信

hello. do you know if the phone is still waterproof after the back glass has been crcked?


After putting the phone back together does it require your google password to use the phone again?

Kristen Paulus - 返信

Good teardown! Got a question, what inside the mic hold at the top of the phone? I accidentally put the sim tool in the mic hole but I didnt feel any resistance and didn’t push hard. Would there be waterproofing that may have ripped?

the_cool - 返信

I did the same thing. Is there any weather stripping in that hole or a dust/wind shield we may have damaged? Felt like pure metal.

Partho Ghosh -

Hello I just broke the glass lens. How can I change it? Thx a lot

Fernandez aurelien - 返信

Dear Team, I leave in India Mumbai. I require the back panel for the GOOGLE PIXEL 2 XL. Where can i get it from. I did try googling it but only came across the fake ones. Please help.



Rajgopal Naidu - 返信

You did not show the snapdragon 835 chip.

Cheng Liao - 返信

“Samsung K3UH5H5 4 GB LPDDR4 mobile DRAM, layered overQualcomm Snapdragon 835 it’s not easily show-able! ;)

Sam Goldheart -

Hello! Is clear than to remove the back glass is enough a head gun.

But how to remove the camera and the flash lenses from the glass? How do them are attached?

It’s a keypoint to replace a broke glass.


Mattiars - 返信

The 2 XL should work like the previous gen phones, heat the back to remove the glass panel, the lens covers will likely be stuck to the glass, or to the rear case itself, and will be glued in place.

Sam Goldheart -

Thanks Sam for the answer! In your opinion is possible to replace the back glass just ordering only the glass, using the old camera and flash lenses?

Mattiars -

If the price isn’t too much more including lenses, it would be easier to maintain alignment and adhesion. If you get one without, you’ll probably need some new adhesive to hold the lenses into the new glass. So if it comes with that, or you can find some, then you can just get the glass itself, just be careful in your placement. Good luck!

Sam Goldheart -

hey guys if anyone can help me with assembling procedure of the smart phones, because we are planning to training for smartphone assembly so please if anyone drop me a mail….. thank you

yashwanth gowda - 返信

Hi there, i have a Pixel2 part description called - “Pixel 2 128GB (Vanta Black)_FBU” which costed me around 8K.

Could anyone please educate me what FBU stands for and what is it?

kavia94aravind - 返信

bantu saya, speaker saya di bawah google pixel 2 xl tidak bekerja, bagaimana memperbaikinya

Arya Subekti - 返信

can anyone describe the ti 75aqjh1 2557

after changing the charging ic on the board the touch is not working

LLE - 返信

En mi Google pixel 2 xl tampoco funciona ese integrado ,supongo que trabaja en conjunto con el ic de audio dado que no me funciona ni el audio ni el micrófono ,en que otro Smartphone se puede encontrar el (TI 75AQJH1 2557)?

Daniel González -

Any tips for changing the cracked gorilla glass?

Marcia Bruns - 返信



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