みなさん!ソニー コントローラーの偽物か本物の見分け方がわかりますか? このガイドが 偽物か見分けるのに役にたてれば幸いです。
黒のコントローラーは本物のSony V2。シルバーは偽物です。表側は、どちらもよくできています。
左の写真;コントローラーを開けてみましょう。バッテリーは 600mAhです。これは偽物です。本物は800mAHです。
3番目の写真はLED/MicroUSBボードです。これは明らかに偽物です。本物の写真はここにはありませんが、本物には (JDM-011) (JDM-030)と記されてています。その文字の色は金色です。白ではありません。この写真に乗っているのは偽物のネジです。
本物のマザーボードには JDM-040 か JDM-055と記載されているはずです。このこの表示(中央画像)は偽物です。
126 の人々がこのガイドを完成させました。
これらの翻訳者の方々は世界を修理する私たちのサポートをしてくれています。 あなたも貢献してみませんか?
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145 件のコメント
The important questions:
1. Is the fake controller able to wake up the console from sleep?
2. Does the fake controller work in all games and apps? The buttons or sticks do not feeling identical are okay, e.g. unstable analog controls are not okay.
1. Sometimes no. It depends on the fake (there are many different fakes), but some of them are not able to wake up the console from sleep.
2. It should work in every app and game, but due the soldered on thumb sticks (they do not use the original ones) they do not respond every time or feeling identical. Some fakes uses a totally different input board which is causing that it’s unresponsive and/or not feeling identical to the original.
But how do you know if the casing is fake?
So far I have bought 1 fake controller and also found out that the plastic where the motherboard is on also is fake as you can't use original motherboard on that plastic as there seems to be some bad measures to the plastic part. Witch make the pad get stuck when closing.
It can be very hard to see it from the outside. Did it came with the original battery or a fake on too? You need to modify the plastic part, otherwise it won’t fit I’m afraid..
1. Do original DUALSHOCK 4 (CUH - ZCT2) series controller's serial numbers start with a special number? For example the DUALSHOCK first version starts with 1 and second version starts with 2. One of the serial number starts with 3911 and the other with 1911. Will I be able to check anywhere whether the serial numbers belong to original series or not?
2. Without opening both my controllers, everything matches with the original ones as per your findings above. However the L3 and R3 buttons function on their own and doesn't let me control the player and camera angle fully. The controllers have never been dropped or any physical damage caused.