This repair fixes a common issue on this device, after a few months of use the screen slowly gets dimmer before dying.
It is recommended to let the battery discharge before starting. It's a precaution to prevent the battery from catching fire if punctured.
Remove both T2 screws
Slide off the plastic piece by lifting out and then up
Slide plastic and spring assembly off the rail
Do this on both sides
I've performed this on a few Fitbits where the adhesive was worn out enough that with a light amount of prying the touch screen assembly lifts right up
A hairdryer on high should work you may have to use it for longer
Heat the glass screen with heat gun to soften the adhesives
Insert a razor blade between the glass and the body
Keep going around the rim of the display until loose
Connect The new screen (basically step 6 in reverse)
This step can be a bit fiddly to get right
Then perform the step 5 in reverse to put the metal shield back in
Reconnect battery connector
if the battery wasn't dead before repair it should turn on now
Put the battery back in place
When I was replacing the screen I also replaced the battery that's why the battery changed.
Flip down the screen and remove any extra glue that squeezes out
Take a rubber band and wrap it around the device, this will ensure the display stays in place until the glue cures
With the rubber bands on go to step 1 and reverse the steps to reinstall the band release
The glue will take between 24 and 72 hours to fully cure
Thanks to ShellingRook27 's Original Dissasembly I Was Able to Make this Guide And Bring a new life to my old device.
Thanks to ShellingRook27 's Original Dissasembly I Was Able to Make this Guide And Bring a new life to my old device.
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