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10 件のコメント
yes, thank you for the tip to use a screw. it was really difficult and resorted to also using some metal spudgers and lucky I didn’t jab my hands (pro tip: put some leather work gloves on!)
another pro tip I learned from a YouTube video, is to take wire cutters and snip off the 2 clips that make it so difficult to get this thing off.
there is enough friction at play that the clips are not needed and you can just pull out the assembly much easier in the future.
That worked absolutely fine for me. I used a 8 thread tap to prepare the hole and then an M8x70mm screw to pull out.
Danke, deine Anleitung hat geholfen. Jetzt vibriert die Zahnbürste wieder schön. ich hab den Spalt zwischen dem Magneten und dem Motor etwas erweitert. Leider musste ich feststellen, das die weiße Dichtung oben eingerissen ist. Kannst du mir sagen , wo ich so eine Dichtung bekommen kann?