+ | [summary]フィリップス社のHealthy Whiteシリーズは充電可能な電動歯ブラシです。モデル番号はHX6711です。[/summary] |
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+ | ==製品情報 == |
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+ | The exact model at hand can be identified by the engraved model number which can be found at the bottom of the toothbrush. The image below shows the model HX6710. Philips also offers the model HX6711 which is identical to the HX6710 from the outside. |
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+ | [image|226400|caption=The model number of the Sonicare HealthyWhite is engraved at the bottom of the device.] |
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+ | == 技術仕様 == |
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+ | * two working modes: Clean and Clean White |
+ | * up to 31,000 brush strokes per minute |
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+ | == 追加情報 == |
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+ | * [http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/cpindex.pl?ctn=HX6711/02&hlt=Link_Overview&scy=US&slg=AEN|Philips Sonicare HealthyWhite product and support page] |
+ | * [http://www.usa.philips.com/c/electric-toothbrushes/139863/cat/en/|Philips toothbrushes] |