
2018年9月21日に発売されました。モデル番号A2097, A2098、GSM もしくはCDMA / eSIM もしくはナノSIM / 64, 256、512 GB / シルバー、ゴールド、スペースグレイ。(正しい発音は"iPhone 10 S.")

402回答 すべてを表示

No power & hot spots after screen replacement

Just replaced the screen assembly on my iPhone XS. Worked fine to start, but then after about an hour it was continuously rebooting, showing 1% battery and acting very sluggish. Now it’s not turning on at all, even when put on the charger and there is a warm spot on the back near the camera (thinking it somehow shorted). Any advice?

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1 件の回答


Hi Drew,

Well dang, I hate it when a repair I thought went well turns out to have problems.

First thing I'd do personally is to back out the repair and see if the phone goes back to its normal behavior. Yeah, that means taking off that brand new screen and putting the old broken one back on, but that will tell you whether the problem is with the phone itself or just with the new screen. From there we can figure out what the next step should be based on what you find.


スコア 1


Yeah took it back off, reseated all the connectors, etc. Logic board is still warm even after being “off” for about an hour so I’m afraid she’s toast now. Unfortunately the OEM screen is no longer an option to put back on courtesy of a little curiosity :/




Drew Perhac さん、ありがとうございました!

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