

206回答 すべてを表示

Pokemon Y cart isn't recognized by the system

I decided I wanted to head back in to Pokemon Y, but my 2DS won't read it. It doesn't show up. I have 2 separate 2DS', and neither of them read the cartridge. They read other cartridges just fine, DS and 3ds alike. I've tried cleaning the cart pins and the handheld pins, nothing has worked. Any idea what's wrong?

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1 件の回答

Jacob Macheca since other game cards are being read properly you know that this is not a problem with the device but an issue with the game card. Other than checking/cleaning the contacts etc. not much you can do the repair those. Of course you can try things like shown on here


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3 件のコメント:

I tried cleaning the contacts the way the video showed, no dice. The plastic isn't worn down and blocking the contacts or anything, it's been sitting in it's case for a long time on my shelf. One silver lining is when I put the game in (or take it out), the text box that says "There is nothing inserted into the Game Card slot" blinks. Which I think means it's trying to read the game, but unable to


@Jacob Macheca you could be having a failed game card


That's what my friend thinks. I just really hope that's not the case because I remember playing through the main story, I know it worked before




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