Why doesn't my keyboard work?
Why doesn't my keyboard work? The computer slowly stop recognizing the keyboard. I suspect maybe a ribbon is wore-out from bending or a coin battery possibly died. When I connect nothing happens.
Why doesn't my keyboard work? The computer slowly stop recognizing the keyboard. I suspect maybe a ribbon is wore-out from bending or a coin battery possibly died. When I connect nothing happens.
Try reseating the connector. I had this issue earlier and it fixed it after a few tries.
Can you tell me more about resetting the connector? Are you referring to the magnet? I tried cleaning the surface but that did not help. How do I reset the Connector? I am not sure what the connector is. Thanks so much for your help!!
Unplug and replug it, and make sure the locking slide/clip is as tight as possible. I hope this helps.
I've had to replace both battery and keyboard twice: I'm on my third of each. The battery was always crap, never delivered quoted run time. I think the keyboard was similarly a weak point in an otherwise pretty solid unit.
Buy yourself a replacement keyboard (& battery too, while you're at it) on eBay: Lenovo is no longer carrying either part. Probably dumped their remaining service spares on eBay. You're bound to need them. The screen unit (contains all the electronics) is pretty robust and is serviceable. The keyboard is neither: if it's shot you cannot fix it.
Worst case, use an external portable Bluetooth keyboard + mouse.
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I've had the X1 Tablet for 4 years. Replaced the battery twice, keyboard twice. Can only speculate that keyboard is too flimsy, an obvious weak link in an otherwise pretty well-designed product.
Buy a replacement keyboard soon on eBay: Lenovo no longer has them. Ditto for the battery. Worst case, use a Bluetooth keyboard & mouse.
James さんによる