
Google PixelはGoogleから発売された最初のスマートフォンで、2016年10月26日に発売されました。5インチのAMOLEDディスプレイを搭載したこのデバイスには32GBもしくは128GBのオプションがあり、 ベリーシルバー(Very Silver)、クワイトブラック(Quite Black)とリアリーブルー(Really Blue)から選べます。

20回答 すべてを表示

After Battery Replacement, Screen Won't Work

I swapped out the battery on a Pixel recently, I was careful about heating up the adhesive enough and used the plastic pick to sever the adhesive. The screen didn’t crack when removing it. After i got the battery switched out, I put everything back together and turned the phone on. The phone vibrated, indicating that it had turned on, but the screen is black. I was careful not to damage any of the ribbons when pulling it apart. Does anyone know what this might be?

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The pixel has a very thin and fragile screen. It's very easy to damage the lcd without being able to see a visible crack. Also you could have knocked off components around the lcd connector. Or it could be a backlight issue. I would use a bright flashlight and shine it on the screen when you think it should be displaying and see if you can see anything. If you can then it's a backlight issue. If you have no backlight and no image then I would start looking at the board for damage. If you cant find any physical damage then I would get a new screen.


スコア 1


Whereabouts on the board would you check?



Having the same issue with the Pixel 3. Changed the battery but did break a piece of did the wireless charger and the cable for the finger print scanner. I planned on replacing them eventually but in the mean time my phone won't boot up with the new battery. Won't even tell me it's charging. Having a hard time loading software and idk why.


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