
iPhoneの第4代目で、修理はそのままパーツを直接交換するだけです。しかし、正面ガラスとLCDはセットで交換する必要があります。容量はGSM / 8,、16m32 GB / モデル番号 A1332 /本体カラーは黒と白色

20回答 すべてを表示

Camera Doesn't Work After Open the Phone


These days I was dealing with the famous "White Screen of Death" with my iPhone: when the iPhone gets to sleep state and I press the "Home" or the "Sleep" button to wake it up, the screen turns to complete white, but I was able to unlock the gadget, use the apps, play music (I can hear the sounds) and even connect with iTunes, but I couldn't see nothing. I was able to fix it cleaning the digitalizer and LCD contacts, besides let the phone charge by complete without touchin' it.

When I thought everything was fine, well, I realize that the shutter of the rear camera is not opening anymore. I disassembled it a few more times, checked the screws positionings, but everything seens to be in the right place. A restore didn't took effect too. One thing I noticed is that, in one of the disassembles to check the white screen, I forgot to disconnect the battery (I realized it when the camera's flash blinked at the reassemble process). The question is: did I screw up the camera forgetting the battery connected? I tried other apps, and any of them is able to open the shutter or take photos. Just to clarify, the issue didn't start at the first time I opened the iPhone. I disassembled it a bunch of times before without any problem.

Does somebody here got any suggestion, any different step that I could take to try takin' back the camera? Does someone knows wich one really is the screw that gives the contact to the camera? Just to finish: apps that uses the flashlight of the camera are not working properly too: the flash just turns on sometimes, and just for a few seconds.

Thank you so much for any help!

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Hey Fasthans, thank you so much for your attention!

Actually, the "White Screen of Death" started after I did the "Oven Trick" - took off the motherboard and put it in the oven for 7 minutes at 190 C -, to fix my not working GPS (it was able to find location only by triangulation/Wifi, the blue dot was not pulsating anymore). The oven's heat can melt the solder joints and put your fault hardware back to life. And it impressive done the job, the GPS worked again! But after a month, the white screen started to happen always after the phone went to sleep state.

So, I don't know why in my "smart" mind, I thought that the oven trick could help fix the white screen and (maybe) the camera issues. Great, did the procedure again and, this time, I was able to brick my phone! It's stuck at DFU mode and can't restore anymore. Doesn't matter if I try a "Shif + Restore", a straight Apple restore or a qpawn DFU state to recovey. I always find an "Error 1600", or iTunes shows "Preparing iPhone to restore" and stops there, nothing happens. I guess there's nothin' more I can do besides cry and ask why I was so stupid (lol!).

So, with this situation, I'm not able to test de camera anymore (now I wish I could at least make the phone works!), but thank you so much for the help.


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Thanks again, my friend. You said the right words when you claim about the oven do not be very accurate with the temperature and the fact that, a single degree, can screw up everything. Anyway, I thank you again for the help and attention. I'm sure people around here are skilled enough to help me find a solution. Sooner or later.

In time: I bought a new phone (unlocked this time), but by honor and, especially to be able to sell it and recover a piece of the money I spent with the new one, I'll keep searching for a solution. Hope more people attentive as you can help me! Hugs.



Have you tried to open the IPhone again and check to see if your camera connector is fully seated on the mother board? I just got done doing just that with the same symptoms as your camera. It is difficult to seat the connectors and when I reassembled after replacing a cracked screen I thought I had everything tight, but as I found after taking it apart again, the rear camera connector was not seated. Before I reseated the camera connector none of the cameras or camera apps worked and now I have working cameras and camera apps. Since you cleaned the digitizer and LCD connectors to fix the white screen maybe the camera connector needs to be cleaned too?

Other possibilities from my research include, software conflicts with 3rd party apps that also use the camera (uninstalling them may eliminate the conflict with the native IPhone camera app), hardware failure and a series of other fixes including hard resets, restores, reinstalling the OS and even covering the front camera while turning on the camera app. I would not have believed that one except it was a YouTube and seeing is believing. I still would check the connector though first.


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Sorry to hear that Sir. I know about the oven trick, and it seems risky to me. I suppose if the issue is truly a solder joint one then it is probably the answer. The thing I do not like about that is ovens are not necessarily that accurate with temperature and a degree or two off too high or dang I missed the time and left it in too long and disaster...not good. I hope you can get it fixed and wish you the best of luck. I have seen the errors you have in reading about other issues, but I have not looked at the solutions. I know there are more than a few gurus here that may be able to put your IPhone back in operation. This is the best site for gadget repair I have found after much Googling...



Restore as a new iPHONE on iTUNES.


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First do a network reset from the main menu. After that do the hard reset. This should fix the problem. If not, press against the motherboard where the camera is...this is another simple way to fix it. Good luck.



try looking on the motherboard to find any missing capacitors, mines was missing after i opened it up to replace the on/off button. didnt know that happened and walked around with no camera for a bit over a month. anyways got tired of it and opened up and looked for something missing on the phone and finally was able to pin point a location of somthing missing, put a strand of thick speaker wire and taped it up, and tested it all with the phone still on, camera shutter opened right away and i was able to take pictures and movies again.


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