
Google PixelはGoogleから発売された最初のスマートフォンで、2016年10月26日に発売されました。5インチのAMOLEDディスプレイを搭載したこのデバイスには32GBもしくは128GBのオプションがあり、 ベリーシルバー(Very Silver)、クワイトブラック(Quite Black)とリアリーブルー(Really Blue)から選べます。

104回答 すべてを表示

I replace my daughterboard and now my wifi and bluetooth won't turn on

I replaced the daughterboard in my pixel gen 1 today and later on I realized my wifi and bluetooth don't work anymore. I did hook up everything, I'm pretty sure, including the antenna connections (or at least I think that is what they are) behind the daughterboard. What did I forget? I did reset network settings and also ran it in safe mode, still doesn't work. I would do a factory reset, but I'm scared of updating and recovering all my backups over LTE.

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1 件の回答


I took the phone apart 3 more times and even put the old board back in. I downloaded an update over LTE that took forever for some reason. After installing the update, everything worked fine.


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