
An Android smartphone by Samsung for the Asian market, known by many model numbers, released December 2014. Includes models SM-A5000, SM-A5009, SM-A500F, SM-A500F1, SM-A500FQ, SM-A500FU, SM-A500G, SM-A500H, SM-A500HQ, SM-A500K, SM-A500L, SM-A500S, SM-A500YZ, SM-A500Y, SM-A500W.

118回答 すべてを表示

Why my wifi won't activate?

My phone wifi won't activate and I allready firewire it with odin and a factory rest after that, is there anything I can do?

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Did you falsh it to stock rom or any custom rom? In some custom roms the Wifi is not working, usually is writen under "doesn't work"



1 件の回答

Are you using a custom firmware? If so that could possibly do it. Other than that if it isn't turning on and you've tried a factory reset and you've re-flashed the phone then it could possibly be a chip in the phone that either needs re-soldered or replaced. Might be best to have a repair shop look at it. Same goes with the bluetooth. Wifi and bluetooth commonly share a chip inside the phone in Samsung phones.


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