My iPod (4th gen classic) won't take charge from the wall.

I decided to reset my old iPod to factory settings because it had a lot of songs on it that I don't listen to anymore and I though it would just be quicker to reset it to factory setting then put the few albums I still listen too back on it along with some newly bought ones. So I plugged it into iTunes and followed the instructions to reset it. It done it's thing and then the laptop told me to unplug the iPod and I looked at my iPod and a picture of a plug being plugged into the mains so i unplugged it from the laptop and plugged it into the wall and the picture didn't go away and I thought that maybe it just needed some time to do its thing so i left it plugged in and I went to bed. I woke up this morning and the picture was gone and I thought maybe it had finished doing what it was doing and all I had to do was switch it back on. Nothing happened. I tried again and nothing happened. So I plugged it into my laptop and it didn't do anything for a few minutes but then the charging symbol appeared and I was like ok but then after 2 minutes of charging the picture of the charger being plugged into the wall appeared again. So my best guess is that plugging it into the wall all night done nothing and it ran out of battery during the night. So I can't go on it until it's finished resetting but to finish resetting it I need to plug it into the mains but plugging it into the mains does nothing. How do I fix this?

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