
同名の社会的企業によって作られたフェアフォンの第2世代。2015年12月発売。モデル番号は FP2-XCVR

20回答 すべてを表示

Why can't I hang up after call?

During phone calls my screen goes black. I can't get it back on, so I can't hang up. If the call goes to voicemail I need to take the battery out in order to switch off my phone and hang up. What can I do about this problem?

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スコア 5



Hi, had the same problem and just solved it by disassembling the screen and blowing onto the sensor and wiping the inside of the screen where the sensor sits when the screen is attached. Also the screen protector had slightly moved over the edge of the sensor area and had a little dust in the hole for the sensor. Hope that helps. Best, Jesko


スコア 6

Hi Alain,

I suppose you tried it the way they do it in this video: https://youtu.be/hsop-mM1MZk?t=26s

I wasn't able to do it that easy either. It took a little more effort. I placed the phone flat on my hand, screen up, bottom of the phone facing away from me. (After unlocking the blue locks. Note that there is a final click, so make sure the locks are all the way open.) Then with my index and middle finger I grabbed around the bottom of the phone where the blue locks are now (or somewhere you dont block the screen from sliding down) and pressed my other hand flat on the screen and slid the screen down.

Block Image

Don't apply too much pressure to the screen. Try to use as much surface of your palm as you can. If you have dry hands breathe onto the screen first or even use a rubber glove to have the necessary grip.

That did the trick for me. Hope that helps!




スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

Thanks Jesko for your two messages : I tried by using rubber gloves (very good idea), but did not succeed : the screen moves by less thatn 1 mm, and then blocks. Impossible to move the screen further out...

I've sent a mail to Fairphoine help desk. My claim is registered, but I still await an answer.



My experience: waiting for an answer from FP support and hoping to get a reply from them is like playing lottery: most often you do not succeed 8resp you will neve rget a reply). Herbert



I had the same problem. I've used the proximity sensor app, under "settings/maintenance" to solve it. It works!!


スコア 2

I also had troubles with my proximity sensor. Some dust was deposited between the screen and the sensor's lens, blowing it with air solved the problem. Thanks for the tip!


スコア 1

Recali rating the proximity sensor, did the trick!

Thanks for the advice


スコア 1


Your proximity sensor is damaged. They are light sensitive, and usually near the earpiece on the handset. It may be disconnected or need to be replaced, to resume full functionality. I have circled it in RED. Possibly open and check the connections with this handset.

Block Image


スコア 0


I have the same problem (proximity sensor not working), but I do not succeed to open the FP2 : I followed the tutorial, but impossible to dismantle the screen, as if something was blocking the screen to slide.

Is this move (slide the scrren to take it off) so difficult ?

Is there anything I don't do properly ?

Thanks for your tips ..



スコア 0


Hi Alain, I hope you've been able to get the cover off by now? I also had a few problems at first. I watched the video linked to above. I thought it would be easier, but I basically was able to open the phone when I put a little pressure exactly where the guy in video show it. I.e. Left thumb pressure on the area left of the sim slots and right thumb pushing pressure to slide the phone upwards. I hope that helps...



Hello there, I just want to say that I had the same problem. I followed the advice above and blew on the sensor and hole on the screen side, as well as using a soft, fine, dry water colour paint brush to remove any dust. Even though I couldn't see much dust on the sensor it seems to have solved the problem, so thank you :).

This was the first time I've taken the phone apart at all to solve an issue with it, and did notice a small amount dust and fine sand in some of the other parts of the phone. I guess letting in a bit of dust might be a disadvantage of a phone that can be taken apart very easily, but given the ease of the fix it's not too much of an issue. Maybe dusting the fairphone's insides every now and then should be prudent maintainence - and another reason to have a gawk at the modules up close.

All the best



スコア 0

hi there,

i basically have the same problem.

as suggested in the tutorial by fairphone i checked the proximity sensor with the "sensors" app. and it turned out that it does not work (the app shows 0.000 cm no matter if there is something close to the sensor or not).

so i thought it's a matter of pollution as described in the other answers. my cleaning efforts didn't help. then i realized: when i call my mailbox to check messages it works very well! but obviously it is another sensor doing the work here: the screen turns black NOT if i hold it close to my head but if i hold it upright (which you mostly do when you hold it to your ear). and the screen works again properly as soon as i put the phone down into a horizontal position. so it seems as if the proximity sensor does it's work, actually it doesn't. and: this doesn't work with any other calls.

did anyone observe something similar?!

best wishes,



スコア 0

I managed to fix it using the Fairphone Proximity Sensor app:



スコア 0


Marietta Vasen さん、ありがとうございました!

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