
2012年9月12日に発表されたApple社による6番目となる iPhone。このデバイスの修理方法は前モデルと類似しており、スクリュードライバーと開封工具が必要です。GSMかCDMA方式、16/32/64 GB。 本体色は黒と白。

20回答 すべてを表示

My phone isn't turning on but it's charging?

First, my lock button is broken.

So, my phone has been dead for 8 hours and it's been charging ever since. I've even unplugged it a few times to give it a break but it's typically charged for an hour and a half at one time before unplugging it. When I plug it in it comes up with the empty battery symbol on the front, so it is charging and responding, and when I unplug it, it shows me the connect to power symbol. I can't hold the power button and the home button at the same time because my lock button doesn't work so can I have some advise on what I could do please?!:)

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1 件の回答

Hello Saskia,

If it's drawing power but not charging you may need to replace the battery. It's a pretty simple job, just be careful and take your time.



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