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keyboard and trackpad is not working, MacBook won't start

Macbook Air 13" a1466

Hey there,

the trackpad and the keyboard of a friends macbook air isn't working anymore. her machine just went black and nothing worked anymore, not even the power button.

when i disconnect all the connections from the keyboard, trackpad and battery the macbook starts when i attach the power supply to it.

now my question: are they any parts beside the keyboard and the trackpad that could cause this problem? there do i start to replace stuff? any ideas?

thanks for your help!

Update (09.03.2016)

sure, sorry for that one.

the Part Number is MD760D/A.

Update (15.04.2016)

Ok, here we go again. So i replaced the keyboard and both, trackpad and keyboard was working again so i put the battery back in and tryed to start the computer but nothing happend. So i tryed again to start the computer without the battery connected but it wont start. So i disconnected the trackpad/keyboard cable again and plugged the meg safe back in. The computer starts. I shut it down again, connected the trackpad/keyboard cable again but doesn't connectet the battery. The macbook air startet and it was possible to use both without any problems but when i connect the battery again it won't start, even with the battery disconnected again it wont start, i have to remove the trackpad and keyboard cable again to get the maschine starting.

So i tryed the smc reset while the keyboard and the trackpad was working, but nothing changed.

Any ideas what could cause this problem? Is it possible that the trackpad is causing these problems? Or the battery? I really could use some advice here.

Thank you guys!

Update (04/19/2016)

no idea? anybody? thanks again for your help. i will try to get a new trackpad and will see how it works.

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5 件のコメント

There are eight A1466 models running from 2012 to 2015. Can you be more specific?



MacBook Air "Core i5" 1.3 13" (Mid-2013) 1.3 GHz Core i5 (I5-4250U)

Intro. June 10, 2013 Disc. April 29, 2014

Order MD760LL/A* Model A1466 (EMC 2632)

Family Mid-2013 ID MacBookAir6,2


Storage 128 GB, 256 GB SSD Optical None*

Complete MacBook Air "Core i5" 1.3 13" (Mid-2013) Specs

MacBook Air "Core i5" 1.4 13" (Early 2014) 1.4 GHz Core i5 (I5-4260U)

Intro. April 29, 2014 Disc. March 9, 2015

Order MD760LL/B* Model A1466 (EMC 2632)

Family Early 2014 ID MacBookAir6,2


Storage 128 GB, 256 GB SSD Optical None*


Did she spill anything on the keyboard? Was it dropped? Any thing else you can tell us about its history.


She told me that the maschine just dindt start after she puts it to sleep and after that there was no functinality at all. No liquid damage and not dropped.


After you connected the battery your new trackpad and mouse stopped working, sounds like the battery fried it. so I wouldn't use that battery again. Also If you get a new battery and another new keyboard and track pad. Please test the battery first before connecting the keyboard mouse. Reason behind this is if the battery charges and works then the chances the keyboard and track pad will probably work but if the battery won't work, even a new one then you saved not frying another keyboard/trackpad.





Open and check for a swollen battery. MacBook Air 13インチ Mid 2013バッテリー交換

Next do an SMC reset, here's how: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201295


スコア 3

10 件のコメント:

well i already tried that. the battery isn't swallowed and and i tried a SMC reset with external keyboard attached because even the power botton on the keyboard isn't working. she gave the machine to a apple authorized customer service partner and they told her that the keyboard and the trackpad are dead. but how could this happen in one moment? im a little suspicious because these technicians are often wrong with there advice or just want to replace all parts that "could" cause this problem.

any other ideas?


The SMC reset didn't work, right?


maybe I'm stupid but I guess there is no way to preform a smc reset right because the power button isn't working. but i tried with external keyboard


An external keyboard won't do it or a PRAM reset. I need to think on this one a bit and will get back to you. Any repair history or other pertinent data might help.


there are no other repairs done before they checked it at the apple partner. I got it in my hands and it starts when I plug the power supply to it. I opened up to check if the battery was swollen and saw that the connectors are disconnected. when I connect them the machine won't start.

do any sensors check if the keyboard or the trackpad isn't working and stops the mad home to boot? just don't want to by replacement parts for about 100€ before I am sure that these parts are causing the problems .

thanks for your help, I really appriciate it!




Is she using USB Devices. If yes then disconnect them and Test the onboard Keybord and trackpad after rebooting without any USB Devices attached. Then if good try each USB device one by one until you find the bad one.

Best of Luck.


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