
2013年9月10日に発表されたApple iPhone 5sの修理情報とガイドです。モデル A1533、A1453、A1457、A1528、A1530、A1518。

3535回答 すべてを表示

Can't activate phone, cell connection not working.

My iPhone 5S recently had a bad accident where the display cracked and the entire chassis got bent slightly. I bought a replacement display, attached it and the phone was useable again. The camera and the loudspeaker were dead and the multi-touch was acting up intermittently, but I could use it.

After a while I started getting problems with the cellular connection. All of a sudden it got stuck on "Searching...". A reboot took care of it.

Then all of sudden, while being used, the phone reverted to an "unactivated" state and required me to activate it before I could do anything else. The cell wasn't working but when I connected to a Wifi I could activate it and everything went back to normal.

The next day the same thing happened again and now I'm unable to activate it even on Wifi. I've tried several different Wifis and it's always the same, it tries to activate for a couple of minutes and then I get an error saying Apple's servers could not be reached.

When I connect the phone to iTunes I get an error message and "Please try again later"

The phone is obviously a lost cause and I have most of the stuff on it synced to other devices, but the last backup is old and I have some voice memos on it that I'd like to get hold of.

Does anyone know any way to get those from the device? Is it possible to make a backup of the phone in this state?


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1 件の回答

Hi, ok so voice memos can be backed up, this is the normal method with a working phone

Connect your iPhone to your computer. Step 2: Open iTunes on your computer and select your device from the sidebar. Step 3: Select “Music” from the tab options at the top of the screen. Step 4: Select “Sync Music” and then select “Include voice memos.

But since you cannot, and i am assuming that the speaker is still not working best thing i can think of is to listen to the memos through your ear piece speaker and re-record them on the new device, and i would suggest doing this quickly because it sounds like your phone is circling the drain


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Thank's for the reply. Unfortunately, I can't do any of that. On the phone itself, since it's in the "unactivated" state, the only thing I can do is connect to a Wifi network and try to activate it, it won't let me do anything else.



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