
2012年9月12日に発表されたApple社による6番目となる iPhone。このデバイスの修理方法は前モデルと類似しており、スクリュードライバーと開封工具が必要です。GSMかCDMA方式、16/32/64 GB。 本体色は黒と白。

20回答 すべてを表示

Very bad battery time, can't charge, can't turn off?

Hello my friends!

I have an Iphone 5 I've received from a customer who claimed he couldn't charge the phone. So, I put in a new battery and tried charging. Nope, can't charge.


So I changed out the charging dock.. Still can't charge. Meanwhile, the battery which was at 80% is now at 60%. You can literally watch the procent go down with a little bit of patience. Even with a new battery/new dock.

Phone shows no sign of being watter damaged/dropped. It's a little over one year old.

I've tried three batteries and three different charging docks, no luck.

Also, if I try to turn the phone off, if turns off for like 10seconds and then starts itself.

Any ideas? =)

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スコア 0

1 件の回答


This is U2 failure for sure. Sorry to hear :( I don't know of any US group that can fix that.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Hey Jess, thanks a lot for your answer. Care explaining what U2 is? I'm assuming it's some sort of component on the motherboard. How is it possible that it "failed" ?

Either way I will send it in for guarantee reperation (They'll switch it out for a new) considering the phone is under one year old.


U2 is a chip on the motherboard that controls the logic of the usb/charging interface. As the iPhone 5 ages, we are seeing that this chip is particularly susceptible to damage from non-Apple chargers. The symptoms of U2 failure can be fast battery drain, auto power-on, fake charging, no charging of stone dead battery, and no usb recognition. A phone can have one or more of those symptoms from U2 failure.



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