
2012年3月16日に発売されたiPad Wi-Fi機能搭載の第3世代モデルです。モデル番号はA1416です。修理には温めて、慎重にこじ開ける作業が必須です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Screen won't go on, beeps while charging.

Need a little help here. My iPad 3 wifi was dropped and I only get a black screen.

Also when connected to power it beeps every 3 to 4 seconds (same sound as the single beep the ipad makes when connected to a charger)

Here are a few things I tried doing with no success.

Connected to iTunes which sees the ipad when connected PC

Tried resetting it using the home+power button

Tired restoring it, and restoring via DFU mode

Opened it up and disconnected then reconnected the display cables. The only thing I noticed was that the backlight goes on and off.

I don't know what it could be. Is it the screen, cables or logic board? Any advice would be appreciated.

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スコア 7



I was reparing my ipad 3 cu's the screen was shattered but the lcd fine.

I didn't realize that the battery was empty. Whet I was starting to test the screen the lcd didn't turn on and starts beeping, I thought I was screw that I broke something.

In my desperation while the charging cable was in and ready for charge I heard the beep so press simultaniously the power button and the home button and it stopped beeping and suddenly the apple turn on and when it finally finish turning on I see the battery and it was 1% and I charge it and problem solve. I hope this helps anyone out there =)


スコア 9

4 件のコメント:

Just in case anyone else has the problem mentioned by the OP - this also worked for me. Thanks Alejandro!


Worked for me aswell! Thank you!


Registered just to say "many thanks"! I encountered that problem after replacing the digitizer on an iPad 3. Fearing that a cable inside was cut during the repair, I was going to disassemble the device! Really glad to have come across the question/ answer here.

A note: The screen came back only after I held the home + power button down for quite a while (a couple of minutes, maybe a bit longer)


THANK YOU! My screen was black and making dinging sounds. I plugged it into charger, but still black. Finding this suggestion, I hit the Power and Home buttons simultaneously and it worked! The screenlit up again and I saw I was down to 15% power. Charging now.



Probably the LCD itself was damaged during the drop.

Ding dong sounds in this situation is probably the iPad wanting you to "trust this computer" or similar.

A new LCD is your next step. Rule that out and then we can talk motherboard repair



スコア 3

6 件のコメント:

Thanks. I will give that a shot first.


Been a while I was finally able to purchase a screen replacement from ifixit. I installed the new screen, charged it for a while, did a reset but no success. I also connected to my PC and did a restore but nothing. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help


So is this no image or no backlight?


No image but I do see a backlight. I was able to connect the ipad to this hdmi adapter I have and I do get an image on my TV but everytime I touch the screen it restarts.


No image on a new LCD = board problem. These come in two flavors---1.) Obvious damage. Look under magnification to see if you can see a damaged, missing, or burned component. This is the good kind, send out for a fix and you're done.

2.) No obvious damage---this is the bad kind. When the problem is coming from drop damage that creates a short or lack of continuity somewhere under a big chip, i.e. the motherboard of the motherboard is bad, then that type of repair is usually just not feasible. Sometime non-obvious damage can still be feasibly repaired---but it takes a long time to test/measure/troubleshoot individual components. You could still consider sending it out for a complex diagnosis service which at my shop costs about an hour of labor time to see if there is any hope.





Maybe This Help You, Im From México and I cant get it.


If you can solve the problem, let me Know.



スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

That is a standard backlight repair. The poster says his backlight is working. No image is a separate problem.


I have the same problem with a iPad 3, I replaced The logic board and the problem disappear. Maybe The link to Youtube is The answer of our problem.



Thank you. Tried what you posted and it worked. It took a few tries but it finally came back to life. Thank you again.


スコア 0

Mine is doing the same thing but has never sustained any damage and never dropped. Do I try the same thing? I have once and all I get is the apple and then a charging cord image with an iTunes button. Help!!


スコア 0


Barbara Lotshaw this is exactly what my ipad air pro II is doing right now. ugg!!! so I pressed the home and start button simultaneously again and now it's just back to doing the very same thing...only the battery indicator gets to 2% charged and then drops down to 1%.....the apple appears on the black screen, then the battery indicator with the thin red line at the bottom, then the num pad where you enter your password and then back to apple on black screen, …..all the while the ipad is making that noise that it makes when you plug the charger in every few seconds.....what I described just repeats and repeats and repeats.....so frustrated




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