
The second iteration of Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet computers with a 7.0-inch screen. Model numbers: GT-P3105, GT-P3100, and GT-P3105.

20回答 すべてを表示

Why won't my tablet charge or turn on?

I recently bought a new charger and the first hour it was charging since it was on 0% i then took the charger out and the tablet wont turn on, i tried EVERYTHING, including touching the screen while holding down on button, holding down the volume buttons while holding down the power button, i even let it sit with the charger in for like 24hours and repeating those steps. STILL NOTHING. is it the charger? any suggestions?

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スコア 177
117 件のコメント

so I've had my tablet for a year and like over 5 mouths now it doesn't wanna charge I've tried my lap top tv and the out let but nothing even if i put my finger on the power button it won't turn on does any body know how to fix this problem if you know please help me


My grandson has an asus tab that won't charge or turn on anymore. Only had it 3mts. Help


I have my tablet for over 4 years, but after i install an upgrade, my tablet doesnt charge, but the screen is still on. Help me out


my tablet will not turn on. i charged it all night. i held down the power tab what usually works, but its not working. i dont have a clue on how to take out the battery. in need of some asisstance.


My tablet totally blank .I put it on charge but it is not charging






My tab2 also refuses to charge if the battery gets too low. This is how I fix mine.

Disconnect charger

Hold power button and volume up button for 30 seconds

Keep holding buttons while plugging in charger

Hold buttons for another 30 secs

Release power button keeping volume button pressed

Tab starts to charge



スコア 350

318 件のコメント:

Thank you so much. This worked perfectly.


Amazing! Worked right away


Worked like a charm! Thank you!


mine didnt work


Omg! Worked perectly right away! Thank you so much for posting! I was going to go buy a new one. You saved me!




This problem has been recognized by Samsung, it's a factory thing, all You need to do, is open your tab, remove the battery cable for about 10 mins and plug it back again, unplug the screen from the motherboard, and charge it for about, two hours, then plug back the screen connector, and turn it on, if you see it works, turn off the tablet again, and plug in the power cord again, you'll see the charging animation starts, leave it charging for the time you think it's necessary to reach 100%, unplug the cable and turn it on, your tablet is alive, the only problem I've found about this, is that you'll need to turn the tablet completely off whenever you want to charge it, and finally this, VERY IMPORTANT! When your tablet is below 15 or 10% battery, charge it, because if you let the battery die, probably you'll have to do all the steps again.


スコア 50

54 件のコメント:

This worked exactly as described with out Tab 7.0 - thanks much


@Droidman, where is the screen connector? I have already disconnected the belt from the battery but it didn't work. Where do I find the screen connector?


Thank you very much it worked perfectly. You have made a little 4 year old very happy. His tablet is his best friend with games and his school work. Happy new year.


ive only had the tab for one week and it wont turn on or charge thx if u help me with a solution,


Thank you, it worked for me. I thought I had to buy one for the kid, but now it is as good as before. Thanks again my friend.




Samsung Tablet SM-T580

(Galaxy Tab A 10.1) WiFi Only

4 months old as of 11 Sept 2017

Wouldn't show charging.

Wouldn't turn on despite being on a reliable charger all night.

Completely unresponsive even after trying multiple different chargers and cables .

Removed Micro SD Card

Tried the Volume up +power thing for 15-20 secs... No response.

Pressed power and DOWN volume at the same time for 15-20 secs.

Charge screen popped up, pressed power and it turned on.

Hope this works for someone else.


スコア 50

41 件のコメント:

Many thanks Tim. It really helped me.


Bless you...holy sh*t I was starting to lose hope :D this worked like instantly and i tried everything listed before this comment!


Was 30 seconds from taking my niece's Galaxy Tab A apart after abusing my fingers with all the other button holding...Thank You!


This worked after trying all the other things! Thank you!


This worked for a Samsung SMT-550 just now = exactly as described! Thanks much!




This is an old thread, but hopefully it will help someone. The issue is that the tablet requires some battery life in order to enter charge mode. With most tablets this is typically around the 4% battery life mark. If you go below this point, the tablet does not have enough power to enter the charge state. This was a common problem for the Black Berry Playbook.

The solution is to use a rapid charger to boost it. The rapid charger that comes with the galaxy s6 or s7 will work. You can also try an external battery pack as they generally run on the same rapid charge principle.


スコア 22

18 件のコメント:

Nothing else I tried worked. This worked immediately! Thank you! My fingers and thumbs were getting tired of holding in the power and/or volume buttons and that didn't work, anyway.

I remembered I had a Mega Chargers, external battery charger than I bought for my iPhone without realizing it didn't have the proper connection and had forgotten to return. I plugged it in and it started charging immediately.

I, also, just realized that I could have used this, (I presume?), on my Apple devices by using the cable that comes with them.

This has been a great learning experience.

I wonder, will a charger plugged into the car do the same thing or, will only an external rapid charger do this?

Thank you so much. This is so much easier, also, safer for the tablet than trying to pry off the back which, per YouTube, is very tricky and time consuming and, at least, one guy broke his tablet doing so.



I used the charger of my old HTC mobile phone, it has the same slot, and tablet started charging straight away. Just thought to mention it , it may help someone. Thanks for the idea to use a mobile phone charger!


I was helping a friend and they'd lost their charger, so we bought a cheap little usb wall adaptor, but the Tab got stuck in a loop and wasn't charging. In the end I used my wife's Sony Xperia charger and the blue charging band has gone back to normal. I hasten to add that the Tab hasn't been used for nearly a year anyway, so it was completely discharged.


I tried everything above to no avail, but this my good man. This worked, I thought it might've been something else but it was just a simple rapid charge!


I had lost hope after trying all of the methods listed above. But then after reading your statement, I changed my charger and right after I had connected it to my tablet, it turned on. Ty ^-^




I have an unnamed tablet that has a tiny, tiny hole just below the volume buttons on the top right. After trying the resetting instructions above, I found that doing something similar worked with the tiny hole:

  1. Find a paperclip or similar, something that will fit into the tiny "reset" hole
  2. Disconnect charger, push paperclip end into "reset" hole until you feel the internal button click in, hold for 30 seconds
  3. Plug in charger, hold paperclip in "reset" hole for another 30 seconds
  4. Release paperclip, charge indicator appears.

Keep the battery above a minimum charge level to avoid this issue. It's the same "won't charge if the battery is too low" problem that affects many many other android devices.


スコア 1

Try holding power and volume down and use the volume buttons to choose reboot tablet and power button for ok

or you can try holding volume up and power button (it might need a couple of trys) and the tablet will start to charge


スコア 0


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