
GSM iPad 2は16、32、64GBの容量オプションがあり、Dual Core A5プロセッサが搭載されています。モデル番号はA1396。修理作業は複雑で、ヒート(熱)を当ててこじ開ける作業が必須です。

20回答 すべてを表示

I have a Jailbroken Ipad2 that won't restore!

So i deleted one of my sources on accident so my Ipad screwed up then I restored but I locked up restoreing jailbroken ipad and it said it wont work i have to restore it through itunes so thne i went to itunes my device showed up early but now it's gone it's not at the computer device page I tried other computers it won't read it help me i can't go to the apple store because they don't support jailbroken devices the screen looks like a circle going a around and aroun but after it looked like light passing up to the midle section of the screen bounceing up to where it starts please help.

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1 件の回答


try restoring in recovery mode and/or dfu mode. be sure you have the latest version of itunes and be sure the hosts are ok


スコア 1


Ya but i can't even turn off the Ipad i will try




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