
オリジナル投稿者: oldturkey03


@frankjones51816 since you already tried to force a restart, the issue can be quite deep. first I would suggest you check the charging port and charger. Just to rule out that your phone may not get charged and actually has a bad battery, IF you charger and port are okay, it's time to open up your phone and to inspect a few things. To work on your phone and since ifixit doe not yet have a specific guide for this, use something like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2njDDyjcyTs|this video] Check the charging board and charging port. Get an ammeter and see if your phone draws any amperage from the charger.

You may also have to consider replacing the battery. A depleted battery can no longer be charged. Measure the voltage on your battery connector with the charger plugged in. You should get around 4.2V If you don't get that voltage check your flex cable coming from the charging board. Make sure it is seated properly and does not have any tears or other damage on it. Your phone has a separate charging board that could be faulty. Consider replacing that. Check the flat ribbon cable going to the mainboard to make sure there are no tears in the cable and that it is properly connected etc.

Let us know what you find out.

