Hi I have replaced MENY hdmi chips it’s a good idea to put something under the bored to keep it off the Surface you are working on because the heat will Suck into the surface and you will lose a lot of heat around the chip and keeping the hot air in Circle motions around the chip to Evenly heat all the pins to get the heat to disperse evenly all over the chip if you have some Heat tape put the tape over the components near the chip to help reduce the heat hitting them then you want have to Re-solder the components back the heat needs to be around 470- 480 c it’s a lot of heat but be Very patient and like I said put heat tape round all the components you can leave yourself enough room to remove the chip When you have removed the chip get some solder Wick and clean the pads but be very careful not to rip the pads off and re-solder with Leaded solder with a low Melting point when you have Soldered the pads try setting the hot air at about 420c Melt the solder first before putting the chip onto the board because the Board will need to get up to temperature that will take some time
Then put the chip as close as you can it should find it’s self by Surface tension and you might see some Solder come out don’t worry use some solder- wick to Mob around the pins and then go around to make sure they are Soldered and then clean with Rubbing alcohol to clean all the flux off to stop corrosion many thanks Mark