
オリジナル投稿者: Jesse Hooton


Considering the age of the device, it would be hard to find new OEM parts across all online platforms, unless someone had bought one and never used it. You should have luck finding the keyboard, power cable, and charger port from donor devices on eBay. I'm not familiar with the sites you provided. Just be aware the charge ports on laptops can either be soldered directly onto the motherboard which will require a skilled tech with the right tools to replace, or it'll be on a separate daughter board which can easily be replaced. As far as the battery, you'll have to settle for an aftermarket battery and their quality can vary so it may take some trial and error to find a good one. I would be skeptical of any "used OEM" or "new OEM" listings on eBay. They don't necessarily check to see if what's being sold matches the listing so someone could be selling a dead battery or one with a high number of cycle counts. Or, if you're REALLY up for it, you might have luck rebuilding that battery pack on your own as it uses lithium ion batteries. But there's quite a lot of risk working with lithium ion cells. Do some research into the proper assembly and handling of lithium ion cells before attempting it.

