@piom if it vibrates for your incoming calls, it is most likely a settings issue. Also make sure it is not on mute. Check [https://www.helpforsmartphone.com/public/en/samsung/galaxy-a73-5g/android-12/guides/17/Turn-sound-on-off-Samsung-Galaxy-A73-5G |this site} for a quick going through the settings.
@piom if it vibrates for your incoming calls, it is most likely a settings issue. Also make sure it is not on mute. Check [https://www.helpforsmartphone.com/public/en/samsung/galaxy-a73-5g/android-12/guides/17/Turn-sound-on-off-Samsung-Galaxy-A73-5G |this site] for a quick going through the settings.
@piom if it vibrates for your incoming calls, it is most likely a settings issue. Also make sure it is not on mute. Check [https://www.helpforsmartphone.com/public/en/samsung/galaxy-a73-5g/android-12/guides/17/Turn-sound-on-off-Samsung-Galaxy-A73-5G |this site} for a quick going through the settings.