
現在のバージョン作成者: VojTech


-Hello, i have 15years experience with microsoldering, and i can tell you "swap" the cpu and nand is really the last option. When the motherboard have short is can be only 1 capaciotor or maximum power IC. swap the cpu and memory chip is very risky compare with "only" power ic replace. Also the swap is very expensive. I recomend to you find first somebody who understand little bit deep in this problematic and not take serious first diagnostic from random phone shop. For example i have for this model schema and all stencil for reball, but iam from austria.
+Hello, i have 15years experience with microsoldering, and i can tell you "swap" the cpu and nand is really the last option. When the motherboard have short is can be only 1 capaciotor or maximum power IC. Especially after drop is mostly capacitors fault. swap the cpu and memory chip is very risky compare with "only" power ic replace. Also the swap is very expensive. I recomend to you find first somebody who understand little bit deep in this problematic and not take serious first diagnostic from random phone shop. For example i have for this model schema and all stencil for reball, but iam from austria.



オリジナル投稿者: VojTech


Hello, i have 15years experience with microsoldering, and i can tell you "swap" the cpu and nand is really the last option. When the motherboard have short is can be only 1 capaciotor or maximum power IC. swap the cpu and memory chip is very risky compare with "only" power ic replace. Also the swap is very expensive. I recomend to you find first somebody who understand little bit deep in this problematic and not take serious first diagnostic from random phone shop. For example i have for this model schema and all stencil for reball, but iam from austria.

