
現在のバージョン作成者: Tapani Plathan


Short circuited motherboard on an A51 5G


I'm desperate.
My Samsung A51 5G phone suddenly overheated massively and stopped working. Took it to a phone repair shop, where the guys worked on it for almost two hours, and gave the diagnosis: the motherboard is short circuited, and they don't have the equipment nor the competence to fix it. They told me that in our country, probably no one has. So my question is: where to find a person with the micro soldering equipment and skills to repair my phone? Quick googling didn't give me any answers.[br]
-I had backups for everything else, except for the Samsung Voice Recorder app. And that app has my daughter's - my only child's - first words, etc. Willing to give a kidney to have that data recovered.
+I had backups for everything else, except for the Samsung Voice Recorder app. And that app has data so valuable to me that I'm willing to give a kidney to have that it recovered.


Samsung Galaxy A51



オリジナル投稿者: Tapani Plathan


Short circuited motherboard on an A51 5G



I'm desperate.

My Samsung A51 5G phone suddenly overheated massively and stopped working. Took it to a phone repair shop, where the guys worked on it for almost two hours, and gave the diagnosis: the motherboard is short circuited, and they don't have the equipment nor the competence to fix it. They told me that in our country, probably no one has. So my question is: where to find a person with the micro soldering equipment and skills to repair my phone? Quick googling didn't give me any answers.[br]
I had backups for everything else, except for the Samsung Voice Recorder app. And that app has my daughter's - my only child's - first words, etc. Willing to give a kidney to have that data recovered.


Samsung Galaxy A51

