I have Model JVM1795SK2SS it stopped while in use heating food. There are no control panel light, no display, and no sound at all from the microwave oven. It is dead. The unit is 3 years old, purchased brand new over the stove type with all the sensors and fancy functions. The glass fuses are good. Thermal fuse and thermostat good. There is intermittent power at the power cord and fuses. Door switches all test good.
I am leaning toward a bad control panel, power supply or defective GFI switch. It stopped suddenly and no blown fuse. Maybe ***++[link|https://www.ifixit.com/User/1716884/Kalani+Amaya|Kalani Amaya|new_window=true]++*** GFI comment is right for this newer microwave oven. Can anyone help me with this problem...