Random shutdowns but no Shutdown logs on M1 in Monterey?
I have a machine I’m working on at the moment where the user complained of random shutdowns. Part of my normal diagnostic steps for this is to use terminal commands to pull up the shutdown codes from the system log for the last few days. This yields no results. Even for proper shutdowns I have just done immediately prior. And I’m not finding any panics in the logs either.
It just seems strange. I don’t know that I have had to do this yet on an M1 Mac or on Monterey. My 2014 Mac Mini, which is on Monterey still pulls them up no problem. Is this something to be expected in M1? Can i repair the logs? Is there some permission I’m not giving? Is there some way I’m not thinking of to corroborate or pin down these crashes?
It’s fairly normal for me to have difficulty recreating user issues, especially when crashes are concerned (my partner calls me a technomage, make what of that you will), but I don’t want to send this thing out the door only for it to come back with the same issue.