I recently replaced the battery in my 9570, using the kit and battery from IFIXIT, along with a new ram kit from crucial. since the replacement, when the laptop goes into hibernate mode after being left alone, it won’t turn back on unless plugged in. The LED battery indicator light won’t even turn on when this happens. Sometimes the Dell screen will flash, then turn back off.
I recently replaced the battery in my 9570, using the kit and battery from IFIXIT, along with a new RAM kit from Crucial. Since the replacement, when the laptop goes into hibernation mode, after being left alone, it won’t turn back on unless plugged in. The LED battery indicator light won’t even turn on when this happens. Sometimes the Dell screen will flash, then turn back off.
Once its back on, it can be unplugged and it behaves normally.
I recently replaced the battery in my 9570, using the kit and battery from Ifixit, along with a new ram kit from crucial. since the replacement, when the laptop goes into hibernate mode after being left alone, it won’t turn back on unless plugged in. the led battery indactore lights won’t even turn on when this happens. sometimes the dell screen will flash, then turn back off.
I recently replaced the battery in my 9570, using the kit and battery from IFIXIT, along with a new ram kit from crucial. since the replacement, when the laptop goes into hibernate mode after being left alone, it won’t turn back on unless plugged in. The LED battery indicator light won’t even turn on when this happens. Sometimes the Dell screen will flash, then turn back off.
Once its back on, it can be unplugged and it behaves normally.
I recently replaced the battery in my 9570, using the kit and battery from Ifixit, along with a new ram kit from crucial. since the replacement, when the laptop goes into hibernate mode after being left alone, it won’t turn back on unless plugged in. the led battery indactore lights won’t even turn on when this happens. sometimes the dell screen will flash, then turn back off.
Once its back on, it can be unplugged and it behaves normally.