
現在のバージョン作成者: Nick


Is this SSD DRAMless?


As I am upgrading my desktop from the XPS 8500 to a custom built i5-9400f setup (new case, NVMe SSD, RAM, power supply and Win10 Pro license, used motherboard and CPU) I have an SSD in the XPS 8500 I want to migrate to my Mid 2012 MBP - it has spinning rust and it’s slow :-(. I already replaced the HD cable, so don’t worry about that.

However, the SSD will be a “used pull” from the XPS and I do not know which type it is. [link|https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wd-easystore-240gb-internal-sata-solid-state-drive/6411188.p?skuId=6411188|This is the SSD] I will be moving to my 2012 MBP.

Is it known if this is a DRAM drive or DRAM-less? The spinning drive is painful to use more then ever as I phase spinning rust out!


Solid State Drive





編集者: Nick


Is this SSD DRAMless?


-As I am upgrading my desktop from the XPS 8500 to a custom i5-9500f setup (new case, SSD, RAM, power supply and Win10 Pro license, used motherboard and CPU) I have an SSD in the XPS 8500 I want to migrate to my Mid 2012 MBP - it has spinning rust and it’s slow :-(. I already replaced the HD cable, so don’t worry about that.
+As I am upgrading my desktop from the XPS 8500 to a custom built i5-9400f setup (new case, NVMe SSD, RAM, power supply and Win10 Pro license, used motherboard and CPU) I have an SSD in the XPS 8500 I want to migrate to my Mid 2012 MBP - it has spinning rust and it’s slow :-(. I already replaced the HD cable, so don’t worry about that.
-However, the SSD will be a “used pull” from the XPS and I do not know which type it is. [https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wd-easystore-240gb-internal-sata-solid-state-drive/6411188.p?skuId=6411188|This is the SSD] I will be moving to my 2012 MBP.
+However, the SSD will be a “used pull” from the XPS and I do not know which type it is. [link|https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wd-easystore-240gb-internal-sata-solid-state-drive/6411188.p?skuId=6411188|This is the SSD] I will be moving to my 2012 MBP.
Is it known if this is a DRAM drive or DRAM-less? The spinning drive is painful to use more then ever as I phase spinning rust out!


Solid State Drive



オリジナル投稿者: Nick


Is this SSD DRAMless?


As I am upgrading my desktop from the XPS 8500 to a custom i5-9500f setup (new case, SSD, RAM, power supply and Win10 Pro license, used motherboard and CPU) I have an SSD in the XPS 8500 I want to migrate to my Mid 2012 MBP - it has spinning rust and it’s slow :-(. I already replaced the HD cable, so don’t worry about that.

However, the SSD will be a “used pull” from the XPS and I do not know which type it is. [https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wd-easystore-240gb-internal-sata-solid-state-drive/6411188.p?skuId=6411188|This is the SSD] I will be moving to my 2012 MBP.

Is it known if this is a DRAM drive or DRAM-less? The spinning drive is painful to use more then ever as I phase spinning rust out!


Solid State Drive

