
オリジナル投稿者: stevebsiegel


It’s really not that hard to replace if you follow the guides here on removing clutch covers from Unibody MacBook Pros (Late 2008 - Mid 2012). As for the black plastic end caps, heat them up or pry carefully with a spudger and they will pop out. they are plastic so the have some give/bend. then just use a spudger or plastic pry tool to carefully dislodge the clutch cover from the tabs locking it in and wiggle it carefully back and forth until you have it removed. repeat from a spare cracked screen to get a good donor clutch cover. You can buy a cracked complete screen assembly on ebay for very cheap and just use the clutch cover from that. You could even put the broken one back on the cracked screen assembly and then sell it again on eBay for parts and basically break even (minus any listing fees).. Win win.

