Here’s a link to the [|parts] provided by DELL for the laptop, which show the SSD type.
Here’s a link to the [|parts] provided by DELL for the laptop, which show the SSD (and HDD) type as SATA.
Here’s a link to the [|owner manual] for the laptop.
Scroll to p.16 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove/ replace the HDD
Here’s a link to the [|parts] provided by DELL for the laptop, which show the SSD type.
here’s a link to the [|owner manual] for the laptop.
Here’s a link to the [|owner manual] for the laptop.
Scroll to p.16 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove/ replace the HDD
It will support a 2.5” SATA SSD.
Here’s a link to the [|parts] provided by DELL for the laptop, which show the SSD type.
here’s a link to the [|owner manual] for the laptop.
Scroll to p.16 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove/ replace the HDD