Check in BIOS to see if the Number Lock enable setting is set to Enable.
To get into BIOS, start the laptop and press F2 when the Dell logo is on the screen.
Navigate to the Table.9 POST Behavior menu and check the setting.
Here’s a link to the [|owner manual] for your laptop. Scroll to the top of p.52 which shows which keys on the keyboard to use to navigate through the BIOS menus. Take note of the function of the Esc key if you have to alter the setting and want to ''save the change.''
Scroll to p.58-59 to find the information regarding the Number Lock setting.
If the setting is already enabled, try using a USB keyboard connected to the laptop, just to verify that the number lock function is working and that it is not a software problem.
If it works when using a USB keyboard then most probably it is a hardware problem with the number lock key itself.
Has any liquid been spilled onto the keyboard in the area around the key?
It may be possible to just repair the individual key.
Here’s a [|link] that may be of some help.
I don’t know the supplier in the link and there may be other similar services online (I didn’t look after I found this one) if you wish to pursue this option.
I don’t know the supplier in the link and there may be other similar suppliers online (I didn’t look after I found this one) if you wish to pursue this option.
Hi ,
Check in BIOS to see if the Number Lock enable setting is set to Enable.
To get into BIOS, start the laptop and press F2 when the Dell logo is on the screen.
Navigate to the Table.9 POST Behavior menu and check the setting.
Here’s a link to the [|owner manual] for your laptop. Scroll to the top of p.52 which shows which keys on the keyboard to use to navigate through the BIOS menus. Take note of the function of the Esc key if you have to alter the setting and want to ''save the change.''
Scroll to p.58-59 to find the information regarding the Number Lock setting.
If the setting is already enabled, try using a USB keyboard connected to the laptop, just to verify that the number lock function is working and that it is not a software problem.
If it works when using a USB keyboard then most probably it is a hardware problem with the number lock key itself.
Has any liquid been spilled onto the keyboard in the area around the key?
It may be possible to just repair the individual key.
Here’s a [|link] that may be of some help.
I don’t know the supplier in the link and there may be other similar services online (I didn’t look after I found this one) if you wish to pursue this option.