Hi i recently came with my little son's xbox 360 completly wet inside, when i picked it up it was like a quarter glass of water in it, i suspect that his little Sister playing drop water on it, anyways y dissasamble completly the xbox and took only the motherboard, y put to dry everything else with towells and stuff, well took the MB and cleaned it first with Hot watter, to take off every trace of the liquid my little doughter drop on it, then i rinde it with alcohol to renové most of the watter i used before, once i got all this done, i took a hair dryer and started to eliminarse all of the moisture left, like 10 to 15 min of that, i look very close to see if there was any more liquids on it, once satisfied with work i put thermal paste on the chip, put everything in its place and give it a try, it worked like a charm, before that it doesn't even turn on so i can say that i brought it to life again hahaha, i can suggest that you could do the same, but carefull with the internal power supply of the xbox one s, you should try to open it too and see if there is no moisture on it, if it so, try to do the same to the PS Mobo. Hope i help someone!